If you were a german in the year 1936, you would be under the impression that the jews were a less evovled species.
All your text books would account for this.
All your scientist would continue to proove evidnece on a daily basis confirming this, in fact its what they spent all their time doing, finding and showing more proof how jews were little more than apes, and how the ******* man was a little bit more advanced than a jew but still close to an ape.
So, with all the mountains of evidence, scientific, lifestyle, and political, your conclusion would be that yes the jewish man was an ape, he was a pathogen, infectious, and why not wish him his extermination.Seeing as this is what all the science at the time would have confirmed, how could it have not have been true?
If your work would only get funding if you include the words to proove evolution,or climate cahnge by c02, how long would it take you to proove it and defend it with every breath you had, (ask a german scientist)...