
Evolution vs. Creation! What do you believe?

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I'm a Christian!

How can anyone believe about the -THEORY- evolution?

Over the last few years loads of scientists have admitted that evolution is not true. On many campuses, any professor who admits having doubts about the "factual" nature of evolution would be laughed off the campus (and out of his job). But today, more and more courageous scientists are publicly admitting what they have known privately for years: believing in evolution requires an act of blind faith.

I found out that Evolutionists have been trying for years to cross-mutate between genetic kinds, without any success. In fact, genetic material is not progressively more abundant in the higher species, as previously supposed. For example, a toad has more genetic material than man, some small invertebrates have more chromosomes than man, etc. yet if evolution were true one would expect just the opposite.

What do you think??

If there are christians answering please give me some website that disprove evolution!!




  1. "I'm a Christian! "

    Good for you.  That doesn't mean you get to skip reality.

    "How can anyone believe about the -THEORY- evolution?"

    Maybe on the basis that a -THEORY- must have evidence to support it in the first place and none that contradicts it, it wouldn't be a theory otherwise.

    "Over the last few years loads of scientists have admitted that evolution is not true."

    Creationists stating their opinion is not evidence.

    "On many campuses, any professor who admits having doubts about the "factual" nature of evolution would be laughed off the campus (and out of his job)."

    Bollocks.  This doesn't happen and the only reason it would, would be that the professor made claims about "Intelligent Design".  See the actual situation behind the Richard Sternberg/Stephen C. Meyer peer review controversy for a good example.

    "But today, more and more courageous scientists are publicly admitting what they have known privately for years: believing in evolution requires an act of blind faith."

    'Courageous' does not mean that the person isn't blinded by their religion.  'Believing in' evolution takes no more blind faith than believing in the weak nuclear force does, it just contradicts religous beliefs and that is the only reason you have issues with it.

    "I found out that Evolutionists have been trying for years to cross-mutate between genetic kinds, without any success."

    1) 'cross-mutate' doesn't even make sense.

    2) genetic 'kinds' have been disproven.  Get over your Noah's Ark make-believe reality.

    "In fact, genetic material is not progressively more abundant in the higher species, as previously supposed. For example, a toad has more genetic material than man, some small invertebrates have more chromosomes than man, etc. yet if evolution were true one would expect just the opposite."

    Obviously you do not understand evolution at all on this point.  How exactly does a large genome contradict evolution?  A larger genome does not mean an overall higher amount of genetic information - the majority of the human genome contains no genetic information and acts purely as an error-prevention buffer.  Would this contradict creationism more, anyway?  Isn't man supposed to be the pinacle of God's creations? And yet it takes more genetic material to make an amoeba than a human?

    "What do you think??"

    I think, for a start, you're out of your league here.  You don't understand evolution or the scientific method, or basic scientific terminology.  You grasp at claims made by creationist proponents and ignore actual evidence.

    "If there are christians answering please give me some website that disprove evolution!!"

    Translation: 'please give me links to creationist propaganda websites so I can copy & paste them here to buff up my argument"

    Here's some news for you: lying for Jesus is still lying.

  2. This loaded question appears at least once a week. Guess treading on the dark side is fun?

    Here's the problem The issue isn't an "either or" one. It's not a political campaign where negative attack ads will cause voters to switch sides. Every culture, tribe and people  have creation narratives. If people believe in creationism, which   theory is the "right" one? Remember it's only a THEORY!!!!

    Notice your question. Where do you present ANY evidence to support creationism? Nope, nothing but negative attacks on evolution. Sorry, no evidence, nobody is convinced.That's what 90% of creationism is, trying to find things "wrong" with evolution. When creationist physical evidence is presented  ie the "Taylor Trail" it falls apart. Then the explanation is the nasty evolutionists have been mean. Back to the negative attacks. Hijack discoveries with lies (Dinosaur found with red blood cells) you convince just the believers. Not those ask questions.

    The problem is creationist theory comes down to "The bible said it, I believe it and that settles it." Try arguing your theory without referring to the bible or slandering evolution. The explain just why the christen religion has the sole, correct, true version.

    I firmly believe in creationism. The truth is: "While walking along the sea shore the sons of Bor found two trees, and from them they created a man and a woman.

    Odin gave the man and the woman spirit and life. Vili gave them understanding and the power of movement. Vé gave them clothing and names. The man was named Ask [Ash] and the woman Embla [Elm?]. From Ask and Embla have sprung the races of men who lived in Midgard."

    The sagas say it. I believe it and that settles it.

    So, which creationist theory do you believe?

    Here are the theories

    "Young Earth" Created by supernatural means 6-10,000 years ago

    Polygenisis: Many times creation, many ways,

    "Old Earth" Earth is millions, not thousands of years old. This theory has several versions:

        "Gap" Earth is old but had fallen into decay. Life was begun on the old planet. This does address fossil evidence.


         "Progressive" God allows certain things natural selection and mutations to occur but will directly intervene as required.


        "Framework Interpretation" holds the Genesis account isn't literal but more represents the outline of how life came to be.


         "Day Age" Here it's held that "Day" can be thousands of millions of years. The world was crated in 6 "days" but it was over a very long time.

    "Theistic" AKA  "evolutionary creationism", creation is compatible with  scientific theory (evolution) as it is a tool used by God,

    " Literal" God created everything in 6 days right before 23 October  4004 BC. Everything in Genesis is correct and true.

    Oh my several require evolution to make things happen. Guess you' re left with the literal version. Hey, if you're so sure, why do you need the website?

  3. Evolution is a hypothesis without scientific merit.

    I every field the evolutionary 'explanation' is poor or non-existent.

    Check here for 2 excellent websites that disprove evolution time and again.

  4. You are stark raving bonkers!!!


    What mater if evolution is " disproved ", as you so often rant. Where is the evidence for creation?

    If not X(evolution) then Y(creation ) is the classic argument from ignorance.

  5. Why are you asking a question with the premis full of 100% complete BS lies?

    Your question is invalid as it is based off info from another space-time reality not this one

  6. I accept and believe the literal account of God's Word in Genesis 1 and 2 and Exodus 20:11  that all things were created by Him in six days around 6000 years ago according to the geneologies of the Old Testament.

    As Magical stated, there are many different versions of creationism or ID which try to incorporate evolution theory into Genesis creation in an attempt to reconcile it with the Bible but there are too many flaws with that reasoning and the nature of the order and description of creation in Genesis precludes this from being true. God knew before creation that His Word would be questioned which is why He created things in the order that He did.

    The standard model of cosmology in the Big Bang theory also has many problems as to where did the original energy and matter come from, what caused the singularity to expand and overcome the forces holding it together, etc...and requires dark matter and dark energy to explain missing matter and forces in the universe...neither of which have been observed....they are assumptions to make the model work.

    Macro-evolution is an extrapolation of micro-evolution, assumes no barriers and has never been observed above the species level. It is inferred to have happened over millions of years....time  and chance are the foundations of the belief in evolution and the premise of naturalism.

    The absence of any proof of natural abiogenesis also indicates a Creator. All non-natural creations require a Creator.

    The universe cannot exist forever according to the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics, it had a beginning and neither matter or energy can be created or destroyed according to the laws of it must have been created by an external Creator.

    The vastly complex, compact and accurate informational code of human DNA could not have arisen by was intelligently designed. It is vastly more complex than any modern computer system and we have no doubt that they were designed.

    The human brain is more complex than the rest of the universe combined....there are more electrical connections in the brain than there are atoms in the universe.

    The greatest obstacle to progress in science is the illusion of knowledge and consensus does not always equal truth.

    Troy was considered a mythical city until Schlieman found it.

    Malaria was considered to be caused by "bad air" in swamps....hence the Italian name...   mal=bad----aria=air.

    Flies were once presumed to come from rotting flesh until experiments proved otherwise.

  7. your 'facts' are highly suspect. the science of gene mapping is still young, though the human genome has been mapped. the number of chromosomes has nothing o do with 'progression' to 'higher' species. u r right that many people believe in 'evolution' just as blindly as you do in 'creation'. you can believe ANYTHING if you shut ur eyes and try hard enough.

  8. That you should have posted this in the R&S section, that's what I believe. Myth has no place in a science section.

  9. It's easy.

    You either use theory to explain your answer or you use theory to explain your answer.


    It doesn't matter which one you believe in more... They are both theories.

    That means that they could be wrong at any point.

    Man wrote the Bible..with Divine Inspiration.

    But men lie

    Man created the theory of Evolution.. But men lie.


    I think you should do some research about Darwin.

    He was in love with a woman that was Christian and he wasn't religious. Eventually they couldn't be together because of her religious beliefs.

    So you see everyone fights their own battles.

    I think that you should just believe and try not to knock on anyone else's beliefs.

    Plus you do not need to label yourself Christian in order to not believe in Evolution.

    The Bible never outlawed Science.

    Trust me ... it's not in the scriptures.


    This is an absolutley wonderful website to go to for stuff like this. Just download the different movies. Dinosaurs and the Bible is my personal favorite.

    Proof Evolution is a lie:

    1. The slowing spin of the earth limits the earth's age

    2. The 1/2 inch layer of cosmic dust on the moon indicates the moon has not been accumulating dust for billions of years

    3. Jupiter's moon, Io, is losing matter to Jupiter. It cannot be billions of years old

    4. The shrinking sun limits the earth-sun relationship to fewer than billions of years. The sun is losing both mass and diameter. Changing the mass would upset the fine gravitational balance that keeps the earth at just the right distance for life to survive

    5. The oldest known historical records are less than 6,000 years old

    6. The oldest living coral reef is less than 4,200 years old (Couldn't be 6,000 because The Flood would have destroyed it)

    7. Biblical dates add up to about 6,000 years

    8. The oceans are getting saltier. If they were billions of years old, they would be much saltier than they are now

    9. The existance of short-period comets indicates the universe is less than billions of years old

    10. At the rate many star clusters are expanding, they could not have been traveling for billions of years

    This also is another good website.

  11. If you were interested in actually UNDERSTANDING evolution (which, clearly you aren't), you could do so.

    It is not a matter of blind, unreasoning faith, but of reason and evidence. People who reason, and base their reasoning on evidence, accept the truth of evolution.

    People who refuse to do so have a variety of myths they believe.

    Just because you, personally, prefer ignorance to knowledge, doesn't make those of us who prefer knowledge wrong.

    No one who knows what they're talking about doubts evolution.

    The little you actually say about evolution shows you haven't the first hint of a clue as to what evolution actually SAYS.

    There is not website that disproves evolution.

  12. I believe that after the universe was created by an unknown cause, appx. 15-20 Billion years ago, all animate and inanimate life within it, ever since, has been subject to known & predictable physical & biological laws!

  13. Why oh why do you and other like you continue to plague the Anthropology board? Do you hope to convert us? Those who have spent their adult lives and thousands of dollars being educated on the exact opposite of what you preach?

    Really people, *shakes head*. I think the best tactic from now on may be to ignore you and your beliefs.

    Btw, I am so amused by those who say Evolution has no scarp of evidence, yet where is the evidence of Creation? A Big Man in the sky created the entire earth and all its dwellers in seven days? Proof please :P

  14. Much confusion over this issue has arisen because of a simple misunderstanding of the term THEORY in science. In common language, the word theory means a guess or assumption. In science, however, that would be a HYPOTHESIS. In science nothing is ever considered to be a fact, as our understanding of the world around us is constantly growing. Even Issac Newton's laws of motion aren't concrete! Einsteins theory of relativity shows that these laws break down under certain circumstances (high speed).

    A theory is a logical explanation of a natural process that can be supported by experimentation. When one proposes a theory, it must survive PEER REVIEW, a process whereby the author must defend his theory among other scientists who will take shots at it and see if it holds up.

    Comparing science and religion is a mistake to begin with. I am a christian and I believe that if one is trying to refute science with the bible one is missing the point of FAITH which is what the bible is about. Faith is believing in something in the absence of proof. If God wanted you to use faith he wouldn't go around leaving evidence, now would he?

    Ironically, some things DO match up, such as the BIG BANG theory. God said "let there be light".

  15. I am a christian who believes in creation. Evolution is silly. There is not a drop of evidence. The laws of thermodynamics prove that the "big bang" is only fiction. Something cannot come from nothing. Matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore, the beginning of the world was indeed a miracle, because it defied the laws of physics. Just study the major events in the bible Noah's flood. Science proves these events in history.

    I read a book by Don Kopp who used to be an evolutionist but through his scientific studies came to believe in God and is now a christian creation scientist. He has so much knowledge in science and faith in God to top it off. Everyone should read his book called "Modern Science And An Ancient Text" . It's really not that long, and every second of it interestingly uses science to prove God's creation and disprove the evolution theory.

  16. The term "theory" is widely misunderstood by the layman, so I shall provide the definition used in science:

    A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.

    It is commonly misunderstood that the term theory means, in this instance:

    An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture.

    The Theory of Evolution uses the first meaning, not the second. Please make a note of it.

  17. If you're hoping to disprove evolution, you're in the wrong reality.

    "But today, more and more courageous scientists are publicly admitting what they have known privately for years: believing in evolution requires an act of blind faith." Who are these scientists?

    Why would it matter which species had more genetic material?

  18. Evolution - It's already been proven.

  19. Ever heard the saying, "God works in mysterious ways" OK this is one of those ways.

  20. "I'm a Christian!"

    Hi Joe. Admitting it is the first step on the road to recovery. Congratulations.


    Go there and find out more. As for my feelings on evolution vs. Creation, just read my profile.


    Creationists will stay out of places like Anthropology if evolutionists, anti-theists and the like stay out of Religion and Spirituality. Until that happens, get used to us creationists and our facts, logic, and education that annoys you evolutionists.

  22. This isn't a question. You are trying to tell people how to think, and using false information. You will not convince people what to believe by telling them to believe it. You're preaching to the wrong choir.

  23. So really.. I'm going to tell you my answer again..

    It's called "cross-breed", not "cross-mutate", and actually, crossbreeding happens often.. For example, you can come up with all sorts of kinds of rose breeds by crossbreeding them.

    Frankly, your argument is silly because you're obviously not getting what the theory of evolution is. Now, I am not saying that we evolved from monkeys. I think that's silly too.. And by the way, I am a Christian too.. And "blind faith" is also what is needed to believe in God. The basis of Christianity is faith (and it's pretty much blind, because we can't prove He's real).

    However (and you really should read this), evolution is basically where you inherit certain traits from your ancestors. That's where natural selection comes in.. Let's use your toad as an example.. There are certain traits that it could have inherited (it can hop better, it can catch flies easier, or it could have gotten bad traits - hops slower, etc). The ones with the good traits (hopping faster, catching flies easier) survive better than the toads with the bad traits, and will likely live to reproduce. Because they survived and reproduced, their traits will be more likely to be passed down to the next generation. So the toad "evolves" from its previous kinds of toads by passing down certain traits and after a long time, it can have so many different traits passed down that it could be (and many times is) considered a completely different species.

    So please, the next time you try to bash any certain theory, try to actually learn about it before quoting a bunch of random sources.

    And chromosomes have nothing to do with how big an organism is.

  24. I believe this should be in the religion and spirituality section, not anthropology, as we're all getting a bit sick of Creationists here.

    About 1/700 American scientists will say that the Creation is 'possible'. There are more American scientists called 'Steve' that say it's impossible than all the Creation supporting scientists put together.

    You misunderstand the use of the word 'theory' here. It used in the same way the Theory of gravity is used, not the way laymen use it. We've observed at least one speciation event in the last few decades (London Underground Mosquito), and many more within recorded history.

    Get over it, the bible was wrong.

  25. i'm a great believer of science of the lord some science is write but god is write in a lot of things as well but science is a bit like the human race can never agree on anything

  26. Get educated beyond your boundaries.

    Chevre1, you especially.

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