
Evolutionist...... what would you do if someone proved evolution was wrong.?

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I was just wondering?




  1. there is a large amount of evidence supporting evolution. its so annoying when people try to make an argument without having the slightest bit of knowledge concerning the subject. not every aspect of evolution is supported. are you talking about micro or macro evolution? and another thing, no one ever said humans evolved from monkeys...that is a misconception...humans are primates and we evolved from some kind of earlier primate, but not monkeys. they did not exist when our ancestors were roaming the planet. they merely followed a similar family tree if you will.

    if it was proven wrong, which it wont be, then i too would believe we are an experiment set up by some alien species doing a science project.

  2. Same thing that you would do if the concept of God was proven to be totally illogical and without substance....

    ...continue to blindly follow an out-dated idea.

  3. 1. I'm an atheist, and believe in the scientifc method for looking to answers about the universe.

    2. The Theory of Evolution is just a theory and has been modified and added to a few times since darwin.

    3. Any theory evolution, Realtivity even gravity is subject to change if new evidence were found. That evidence would then be tested, new hypothesis formed and retested to confirm or supportits validity.

    What new evidence could derail the Theory of Evolution...If we found Homosapien skeletons that dated to before the dinosaurs or something would be a start.....or if we discovered that our methods of dating were grossly inaccurate and everything existed simutaneously or something.

    But then a new theory would be needed....

  4. People would quickly replace it with another theory. Simple as that.

  5. Until they can prove it's real, I still won't believe it.  

    How am I ignorant for saying that I won't believe in evolution until there is proof.  

    How can you say that the Kreb Cycle is a valid proof for evolution.  I can equally say that the Kreb Cycle is proof of creation just because it is a semi-complicated system that could not have happened by chance.  

    All organisms need some way of producing enegry and just because the process is very similar for most creatures does not in any way prove evolution.

    Find me the valid proof that I evovled from a monkey.  I mean theres only been a missing link for how many years now?

    But seriouslly how could I and you have "evolved" from a microscopic organism that in no way is related to me besides that fact that it is living.  Thats like calling my Great Grandpa ^ 1 billionth a microscopic organism.

    And what I still do not understand about evolution is how could our conscience brains evolved from an unconscience brain.  Why are humans able to show love, sympathy, compassion, while monkeys simply eat, p**p, and reproduce.

  6. I'd say "Lord, I was Agnostic, not Atheist."

  7. I suppose I could believe that we were put here by aliens if there was some really good evidence. But no way could I believe in a God that found the smell of burning bullocks pleasing.

  8. How do you propose to prove evolution wrong? And what do you mean by wrong? Wrong in the context that "creationism" is even partially viable(hint , It ISN'T), or wrong in the sequence of events? There is absolutely no evidence to even hint that "creationism" has any possibility of being true. That is just the myth religions use to control small minded people who are incapable of thinking for themselves. And people who follow this  are just not capable of thinking for themselves.

  9. I have no vested interest in evolution happening or not. i believe in it because i think it is true. If it turned out to be demonstrably untrue, I'd go on to whatever could be better proven to be factual.

    It is not only unscientific, but supremely evil, to continue to believe in something that has been proven untrue.

  10. i'd buy a bible. but it's not going to happen.

  11. What do you mean by 'wrong'?

    If you mean that it didn't happen then I'd worry about how the rest of biology was gonna cope without its supporting structure.  I mean honestly, modern biology is near enough based on evolution, if you disprove evolution you basically show that msot biological studies over the past 150 years are flawed.

  12. Well, if they proved evolution didn't happen, i would say that we are an experiment from an alien species and we escaped/and/or killed them and have lived happily ever after. but anyway, csfreak5. just because you don't know how conscieness came about doesn't mean it didn't happen, that's like me saying, i don't know how *god* could have possibly made the infinitness of the universe in seven days-- implying that because i don't know, it's impossible.

  13. I guess,when you say proved wrong.You mean by some type of miracle.An appearance by a God or some type of naturally impossible message.We'd all have to reconsider things,of course.Just like we do with any fact of life.

  14. I'd ask for more proof.  Besides, even if evolution was proved wrong, which it won't be, doesn't mean that we should just automatically settle for creationism.  Logical fallacy: False Dichotomy...I think...

    Why is it that if evolution is wrong, does it mean that it has to be creationism?  WHAT IF IT'S NEITHER?!?!  Many people make that mistake.  :)

  15. I would do what every unbiased, true scientist would do:  Accept the evidence.


    My SINCERE apologies to the person asking the question, please ignore below in regards to my direct answer to your question.  I will remove the following, as well as this paragraph, before the time is up for this question.

    The fact is:  Evolution happened.  The only things that can be disputed at this point are the exact mechanisms.  Evolution happening is a fact.  The "theoretical" part of evolution is HOW it happened. You have all the right to believe what you feel and I recommend that, but evidence is evidence.  I don't understand how anyone refutes that.

    "Steam"...Science requires evidence, and the bible, as well as other religious documents, are not evidence.  They are simply stories... narratives if you will.  Although I truly believe that they offer great morals for life, they do not offer any possible alternatives to the evidence presented for evolution, and they are definitely NOT proof.

    "csfreak5150"... How very ignorant for you to act as though there is no evidence to support evolution.  I completely respect if you have religious beliefs... but if you want to speak of a complete lack of actual evidence...

    Have you EVER taken the time to actually learn about evolution?  Ever taken a course?  Ever read a related book from cover to cover?

    ADDITION:  That is such a WEAK rebuttal.  Let's review:

    "Until they can prove it's real, I still won't believe it. "

    -There are loads of proof.  Now show me proof in the opposite.  ACTUAL DEFINITIVE PROOF, unlike your argument of irreducible complexity.

    "How am I ignorant for saying that I won't believe in evolution until there is proof."

    -Read above.

    "How can you say that the Kreb Cycle is a valid proof for evolution. I can equally say that the Kreb Cycle is proof of creation just because it is a semi-complicated system that could not have happened by chance."

    -If you were capable of reading, using the Kreb's Cycle was not proof of evolution, it was used to disprove "Him"s theory of irreducible complexity.

    "All organisms need some way of producing enegry and just because the process is very similar for most creatures does not in any way prove evolution."

    -It is not SOME way of producing energy, we are speaking of a specific process.  Read a book.

    "Find me the valid proof that I evovled from a monkey. I mean theres only been a missing link for how many years now?"

    -Read a book on the subject.  We are primates, we share a common ancestor.  Very different.

    "But seriouslly how could I and you have "evolved" from a microscopic organism that in no way is related to me besides that fact that it is living. Thats like calling my Great Grandpa ^ 1 billionth a microscopic organism."

    -Learn how to spell and use the English language properly.  If you had the SLIGHTEST idea of the actual processes of evolution, you'd realize how unintelligent you sound right now.  Your last sentence there does not even make sense.

    "And what I still do not understand about evolution is how could our conscience brains evolved from an unconscience brain. Why are humans able to show love, sympathy, compassion, while monkeys simply eat, p**p, and reproduce."

    -Monkeys are actually rather intelligent.  You clearly do not have any experience with them or knowledge of their intelligence.

    And "Him"... it is comments like that which give ID and creationist believers a bad name.  I think that everyone should believe what they want, that's is absolutely great.  But bringing up a topic such as irreducible complexity is truly ignorant.  There are so many examples of how complex organs/organisms came into existence against this weak excuse for a rebuttal.  For example:  The human eye is no mystery.  There are animals that still live today that exhibit earlier stages of eye development, including a group of cells that was initially used to sense the presence of light.  There is a process in basically all animal cells called the Kreb's Cycle.  Irreducible complexity would suggest that this could not have come into existence without divine intervention, yet we see cells that exhibit cycles that do in fact work differently, and productively, without certain steps in the cycle.  Do yourself a favour and ACTUALLY LEARN about something before you try to pass it as proof against something that very educated individuals know is a reality.

  16. evolutionists didn't create evolution.

    It was observed and studied.

    God created evolution.

    No scientist has created anything.

    All the physical laws of nature were created by God and then humans began to recognize and unravel the mystery of life.

    What you should be asking is why evolutionists disagree with the teachings of the Christian Bible.

  17. But haven't they? Irreducible complexity!

  18. No, you aren't "just wondering", you are posting inflammatory questions.  Normally don't feed the trolls, but...

    Evolution is fact.  The only way you could prove evolution wrong is to change the definition of reality.  As with the refusal to acknowledge any aspect of reality, denying evolution is the practice of willful ignorance and delusion.

    If evolution could be "proved wrong" it would have been already.

  19. That's okay, that's just how science proceeds. Some hypotheses are falsified and are discarded or modified and science marches on. It's seems exceedingly unlikely that the central tenet of evolution could be proven wrong due to the mountains of evidence in so many areas (genetics, geology, fossils, microbiology, etc.), but if it is, then it can only be because an even better theory has come along. And so be it.

  20. Like any doctrine that once promulgated must remain forever intact, I reject the premise that one must forever accept its theories as dogma.

    I go further and say that instead of natural selection, recombinant DNA accidents may have had far more to do with progression of evolution.

    Have I just cut the umbilical cord that ties me to Darwin and all who 'believe in' the origin of species?

    Well, there are those who believe in this tome  just as Christians believe in the Bible... with varying degrees of incredulity.

    People of science can decide that a theory was wrong without reverting to a previously held theory. We need not go to creationism if DARWIN made a few mistakes.

  21. top question:            what do bible believers do now because we've proved that at least MOST, if not all, of genisis is false?

    deny it. besides they can't disprove fossils and rocks. the world is not freaking 6,000 years old. this is totaly outrageous. my history teacher even believes that the world is only 6,000 years old!

  22. I'd find something else science- based to believe in. An all-seeing God is a ridiculous concept to me

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