
Evolutionists: Assuming evolution is correct; what will we (humans) evolve into in 1mega yrs? 2 mega?

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Lets say that despite the japing holes in evolution, despite the manipulation of numbers and experimental data, despite the desperate attempt to find tangible proof of evolution, lets say it is 100% accurate. What will mankind become? What will we evolve into? What will we look like/ be like in 10k yrs? 100k? 1M yrs? 10M? Guild navigators (from Dune) perhaps?




  1. I love it when people who can't even write proper English set themselves up as critics of science.

    There is no such word as "japing" but there are gaping holes in your homeschool education. But I will try to inform you anyway, (assuming you mean well). Consider the fact that DNA modification means that all bets are off in terms of prediction. It would be impossible to predict the course of evolution anyway

    over such along term, but trends exist, such as a trend toward smaller jaws and fewer teeth as humans eat softer cooked food instead of chewing

    bone and gristle. So the correct answer is nobody knows, but we can expect to evolve to fit our technology if we don't melt the planet.

  2. Evolution being fact, not fiction, follows certain iron clad rules.  The first being that not all evolutionary events are beneficial.  So, for instance if a freak in a given gene mutates it into a tendency toward infrared vision that particular development probably wouldn't cause that individual to survive for any greater length of time than not having that gene probably wouldn't migrate into the greater population.  But if for some reason human beings were born underground in dim light, a gene of that type might prove useful.  Who knows?  As for physical shape we're probably optimum, but a gene that would make a person immune from cancer might be a big help...those with the gene would tend to live longer etc...generally, humans use technology to cope with changes in environment rather than changing into a totally different species so I dunno if any real change is in the future.  If I notice any, I'll let you know!

  3. We don't know what the major selection pressures in the future will be.  It is like asking what will be the biggest killer in 2000 years.  

    There are no significant gaps.  The few "gaps" that exists are perfectly reasonable and take us back to the most primitive bacteria.  We aren't primitive bacteria so we apparently evolved from them.  A common example used by anti-science types is things like flagella are already perfectly formed.  It is a fact that superior forms often eliminate inferior competitors.  Something that obvious is ignored and the distortion becomes one of the major pillars intelligent design because people who want to ignore science don't generally know the difference.

  4. Physically, humans are well-adapted for life on earth and don’t need to further evolve.  Clean up the environment and likely health will improve, and we’ll live longer.  

    As we reach the limits of what can be known about physical existence, the next stage in evolution will turn inward.  Increasingly, we will realize that we are essentially spiritual beings trying to understand what it means to be human.  So far, we think we’re merely an intelligent animal and spend much time and resources merely trying to improve physical life. Not to say such improvement isn’t needed, but there is much more to know about ourselves and our capacities, and such thinking limits what we can do and delays the real business of evolution – expression of the spiritual man in the physical universe.  

    As we begin to explore and develop our spiritual qualities and capacities, say intelligence, love, justice, service, etc., what we can do is almost unimaginable presently.  We will use our as yet unrealized fantastic brain capacity to purposely evolve ourselves and our societies. As the individual and society exist in a reciprocal relationship, we will create institutions that support further spiritual development which will in turn affect the individual which will feedback into improving society, etc.  The prospects are thrilling and unlimited.

  5. We'll evolve into anybody who's not using birth control.  The birth rate in the industrialized world is about 1.  In Sudan it's over 6.  So at first, the Sudanese will replace everybody else.  Then it's a question of what to do next.

    There's a great correlation between birth rate and the education level of women, so if that remains, we'll evolve into a race with extremely uneducated women.

    You got to remember that natural selection is important.  Have you seen any evidence that smart people reproduce more? Beautiful people?  Athletic people?

  6. There is no way of knowing.  Evolution is about adaptation.  It all depends on what the enviornment is like at that time.

  7. If one looks at Evolution from a distance, you see that it assumes that species will improve over time, based on their environment.

    However, nothing else tends to improve over time, without positive impetus.  A rock doesn't just become a sculpture.  It becomes gravel and dust.  An apple doesn't evolve into a pie, it rots.

    If you look at the data of Evolution, it's possible that it's being read backwards.

    The short of it is that we'll probably all turn into monkeys.

    The bright side of that is that those of us that understand it can clean up by buying stock now in banana plantations.

  8. whats the point in trying to start intelligent discussion when you put such obvious lies, maniuplation, bais and holes in the very question.  THe entrire concept of creationism is one big hole.

  9. 1mill years. Very little change depending on diet. Generraly we will notice less physical distiction between the races. Less hair.

    2 mil years. Only 1 race different to any we have now. More Asian in apperance. Dark but not black skin. Less or no hair. Bigger heads and eyes.

  10. I believe in evolution, but I also believe that humans will not evolve any longer. The theory of evolution is based on survival of the fittest (aka Natural Selection) in which members of a species who are not suited to an environment will die while the ones who are strong will live on.

    But we've destroyed human evolution because if there's something threatening our life we already have the power to prevent or stop it.

    Therefore the only differences will probably be resistance some diseases, especially some of the super diseases which will probably kill much of the population off in the future.

  11. Somebody else's UFO.

    People are developing at least in technology at an ever increasing speed, similarly we are destroying our world at ever increasing speed. One day we will be able to travel at light speed just like the Sci-Fi films and be able to go and explore new galaxies and other worlds. Of course by then our planet will be such a mess that we will be needing to move some where else.  So a bit of sneaking around in the skies above some developing civilization on another world will become necessary as we try to work out how to move there without creating a great big fuss by the locals.

    With the human population having left earth enmass, a  million years later the "primitive" life forms left behind will have taken up the slack and at least one will have evolved into a "rational" intelligent but not technologically advanced life form and the planet will have recovered from the belting that humans gave it.  Predictably advanced lifeforms of other worlds will in turn come and study the planet and its newly evolved "advanced" lifeform possibly with a viewpoint of "recolonising" the planet. As they say what goes around comes around.

    Now as to whether we evolve into round glowing ufo's or metalic disc ufo's if open for debate.

  12. With any luck, we'll evolve into an intelligent form of life.

  13. 10,000 years? There will be no "mankind" in 10,000 years.  We are going to destroy ourselves and kill off everything. Humans are not intelligent. We are stupid, simple minded creatures that lack any real thought of consequences to our incredibly moronic behavior. The simple fact that people still believe in "god" is enough evidence to prove that we haven't evolved enough to be considered "intelligent". Sorry to bust your bubble, dude.

  14. No one knows.  But there certainly will be changes.  

    P.S.  there's no "tangible proof" for evolution?  You've got to be kidding (or poorly educated)!

  15. You tell me what the environment man will be living in, and I will try to make a guess as to what he will be.  

    It's the *process* that's called evolution, you know, not the beginning and end product, and it only makes sense when you throw into your thinking the environment.

    If the manipulation of numbers is so bad, best throw your computer out the window...thats all it does.  No...really...throw your computer out the window and make everyone happier.

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