
Evolutionists: Is it possible that at least ONE thing was created by God?

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There are many forms of life out there. According to evolutionists they evolved from simpler organisms. But will they admit that anything was made by God or are they so committed to their philosophy that they will not consider the possibility? Serious answers, only.




  1. The majority of theists understand and accept evolution. I have a feeling that they would say it is possible. The atheists do not believe in any gods, therefore they would say it is not possible.


  2. isn't an evolutionist and evolutionist bc they believe in evolution?  why would you want them to admit to some god creating ANYTHING?  

    i'm not committed to a philosophy.  i'm committed to truth that has proof.  i believe with my brain,  not my heart.  

  3. A figment of the imagination on its own can't create anything

  4. >Evolutionists: Is it possible that at least ONE thing was created by God?

    Technically, yes. However, it is probable that God doesn't exist, and if he doesn't, then naturally nothing could have been created by him. So we can say that probably, nothing at all was or could have been created by God.

  5.    No  because  if  they say  evolution  is a fact,  they  are calling

      God a liar  and denying  him.

  6. Have not got a serious answer yet have you ? That is because they cannot  They can believe that the Universe came into a existance from a Big bang from the Nothing ness and can accept that, But they cannot accept God existing in eternity, Curious huh,  

  7. It is kind of hard for a nonexistent entity to create anything...

  8. Anything can still be possible so I'm going to say yes ... but the  likelyhood of that would probably be so little ... i mean life could have been created by someone or something but it doesn't necessarily mean its the God who we refer to in the Bible ... a first cause is how i'll put it

  9. There are an awful lot of good Christians who believe in evolution including the Pope!!

    It is only fundamentalists who seek to tie Christianity to creation excluding evolution which surely suggests they think god was too inept to have been able to use it as his tool!!

  10. No, I am serious.

  11. There's no god. Therefore nothing is made by nonexistent god.

  12. why would god make just one thing LOL... you are STRETCHING!!!  I guess ANYTHING to hold on to that irrational belief :)

  13. that's loaded

  14. It should bring joy to your heart that pseudo-scientific evolutionists agree whole heartedly with your belief. Creationism is the false antithesis of evolution.

  15. Which god?


    What's an evolutionist?

  16. I'll consider it.  But when confronted by a supernatural claim with absolutely no supporting evidence whatsoever, my considered response is to reject it.  As is yours, in most cases.  It's not my fault that you're slightly less consistent about it.

  17. Well, I suppose Odin could have created a weapon or something.....

  18. It is possible that everything was, but the evidence doesn't suggest it!

    There are so many examples of VERY POOR "design" in nature (why do male mammals have nipples?), that to doubt evolution and ascribe nature's diversity to "God" is to suggest God wasn't paying much attention, or that He is not all that smart!

    If it makes you feel "safer" to believe in God, it makes far more sense to believe that He set the evolutionary mechanism in motion than to think He "designed" everything!

  19. Maybe God created LIFE, and life evolved into many different forms, which is a process that can be tracked scientifically. Science does not know where life itself (the power that powers the machine) actually came from.

  20. All things were created by God

  21. Maybe he created leprechauns. Or unicorns.

  22. All sun gods are superior to all others.

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