
Evolutionists and pro abortion. Creation & anti abortion-?

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Why is it that you feel when a baby is aborted it is just a mass of cells or matter and not much else & is okay to abort? But-you feel that cells/matter started life-big bang. Kind of sounds like the cells/matter is the mother of all. So, what is it? Is it the start of life or does it just amount to garbage that can be cut it out and throw it away?

Are matter and cells life, or aren't they? Why does evolution give so much credit to such but abortion does just that--aborts and throws it away?




  1. this is to cx: to bad animals don't have souls.

  2. I think a lot of people just want to justify and make it better for them. Saying a baby is not a baby until it's popped out is ridiculous. They actually make themselves to believe that so they "won't feel bad, guilty, or regret".

  3. First, there is no such thing as an "evolutionist'.

    Second, do you believe that the first few cells were life?  If you don't, then the first few cells in the womb is not life either, right?

    Third, blanket statements about groups of people are rarely accurate.

  4. First, there is no such thing as an evolutionist.

    I'm atheist and prolife.

  5. troll

  6. i dont think aborted babies should be thrown away i think they should be part of stem cell research and i also don't think a baby should be born into a world that doesn't want it just because the government made it illegal  

  7. coz half of them are reckless and its there ''get out of jail free card''

    abortion is murder

  8. Excellent question!  It does seem a bit contradictory.  Cells are the beginning of life and therfore we are human at the moment of conception and should be treated with respect and dignity until death.



  9. Typical BAD Christian sophistry and mendacity!!

    Where does religion or atheism come into the problem?

    There are ardent and passionate Christians and atheists on both sides!!

    What you are doing is hiding behind god to project your own emotions and intolerance and that is blasphemy!!

    The bible says blasphemy is unforgivable - guess where you are heading then?!!!

  10. I'm not pro abortion, I am pro choice.

    Cells are alive, but a 2 week old fetus cannot support itself outside a womb... so how is that a true life? I don't feel like explaining any more to you.

  11. pro abortion doesn't mean the same as pro choice.  People who agree that evolution is true are not called evolutionists.

    it's odd to call yourself pro life when you think that women should die rather than have an abortion

    Or are you pro abortion when it's an actual persons life in danger.

  12. Make sure you think of this ridiculous statement next time you use some antibacterial soap, brush your teeth, or step on an ant.  Using your logic I'd be forced to show the same level of respect to every piece of matter that I show to persons.  ARE YOU A ******* r****d?  There are plenty of good arguments that can be made against abortion, but this is far from one.  You're a moron and anybody who agrees with you is a complete ******* idiot.

  13. You better stop shedding masses of skin cells, you are killing them.

  14. Nobody knows what caused the Big Bang. It was a singular event. Also, it didn't impose itself on me.  

  15. You really have no clue about evolution or even the current state of nature.  Obviously you have no idea about the differences between cosmology and biology.  Then there is morality and the study of various moral systems called ethics.  

    Basically, while abortions may be immoral in many cases, it needs to be legal and safe for those that choose it.  If you really feel that it is morally wrong, you should work to proactively prevent unwanted pregnancies by encouraging the use of birth control by both partners and ensuring that all children have a good s*x education.

  16. It should be a persons choice what they do with their own body. Why should you be able to tell anyone else what they can and can't do.

    I think many more people should get the death penalty.

    What about all the innocent lives Christians have brutally destroyed? Centuries of murder all done in the name of Christianity.

    What about soldiers at war. What about young men who were forced to war...or jail?

    What about bombing abortion clinics?

    God let his own child die. Christians say they love God more than their OWN children.

    So don't get up on your high horse and preach to anyone about 'innocent lives'. If your baby's life is sooo precious, then how can you love something (that we don't even know exists) more than your baby?

  17. How the universe originated and what could have caused a big bang is largely unknown, and such an event can't be correlated with how a baby mammal originates -- they're two very different events. Also, what makes you think that all people who believe in evolution believe in a big bang? Again, these are two separate things. You seem to be falling into a logical fallacy.

  18. Humbug.  

    I don't think much of the idea of abortion on demand, I believe the Roman Catholics are correct about it.  It is murder, or close to it.

    Evolution is a fact.  None of the name calling, lies and rotten argument spouting, arrogant, political influence peddling, money grubbing frauds who lead creationism can change that.  

    Do not impute one set of beliefs to people who hold another, no matter what your pig-ignorant pastor says.

  19. It sounds like you have you ideas in a jumble.  Evolutionary theory has to do with how each generation of a species differs slightly from the generation before it and so, over long periods of time, the species becomes totally different than the original generation (more or less). It has nothing to do with the big bang. Nor does it have any associated opinion about whether cells and matter are important. Nor does it have anything to do with the abortion debate.

    The only connection to the abortion debate and evolution that I can see is that people who believe in evolution might be less inclined to believe in a magical soul, and are therefore more inclined towards pro-choice because they don't think that a human fetus is "special" in a spiritual way. But that doesn't have anything to do with the matter and cells that might have existed during the big bang or if the big bang even happened. It has nothing to do with the big bang at all. The big bang theory is unrelated to the abortion debate as well as the theory of evolution.

  20. Please, please get your wording correct if you are going to throw insults. Pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion. Those of us who are pro-choice believe that we have no business making decisions about reproduction for other women. There are pro-choice people who are anti-abortion but recognise that they have no right to inflict their views on other people.

    I find it sad that instead of preaching love and tolerance, you are asking inflammatory questions trying to get people to fight. Are the nasty words and comments really that necessary? It doesn't even seem like you want to know the answers to these questions, you just want to cause drama.

    Also, evolution =/= abortion. It sounds like you have been listening to an uninformed minister of some type and are just regurgitating his hateful message.

  21. These are two completely separate issues.  Although a fetus is a human being from conception onward, that cannot give it unlimited rights as against those of the mother, who will have to ingest an additional 50,000 calories to bring it to term and be responsible for the child's upkeep for years thereafter.  A compromise is necessary, and that laid down in Roe v. Wade was appropriate at the time -- and still is.

    As for the big bang and evolution, the former is a done deal: it explains the presence of deuterium and lithium in the universe, which cannot be explained in any other way.  And evolution is now a proven fact.

  22. When they can't think of a good reply, they'll call you a troll.

    edit: cx..... Funny that people can eat meat, but not kill children? Wow, I've heard everything now.

  23. I accept evolution and am pro-life, so I'm not sure.  I think life is definately worthy of respect.  I'll be interested to see if more people feel this way than I think!

  24. What?

    Who is pro-abortion?

    Yes, cells are alive (unless they are dead).

    No, matter is not alive.

    How is a group of 16 or 32 or 64 or 128 cells a human?  How many cells does it take to be human?

    Do you let cancer cells live that are just as human as a zygote?  Why not?

    In other words...evolution has nothing to do with a stance on abortion.  It's as inane as asking why most pro-lifers are also pro-death penalty--a ridiculous over generalization.

  25. why could it have been intelligent design instead of just creation or evolution. i mean seriously evolution is pretty much a proven. and if you believe in creation how the bible describes it your just crazy  

  26. This is a ridiculous question.

  27. Evolution has nothing to say on how life began, only how it became diverse.

    Abortion is not about whether or not the cells are alive but whether or not it is a human with consciousness thoughts and self-awareness.

    Something I always found interesting is how many pro-lifers are only pro-life when it comes to telling women what they can do with their own bodies but not when it comes to the death penalty and the rights of humans that have been sentence to death.

    I always found that odd.

  28. The main thing to point out is CHOICE. If someone does not want to have a pregnancy (accidents happen), then I don't feel that you have to. There are too many circumstances that can make a woman not want a, abuse, rape, etc. Whatever the reason, it's HER choice. The best possible time to abort is very early in the pregnancy. Now the date rape pill can take care of the problem earlier. The woman just has a period. Until you are put into these women's' shoes, you have no right to speak.

  29. I'm an evolutionist who is anti-abortion (for non-emergencies). Surprised?

    By the way, where did you hang up your logic? The first "bundle of cells" from which all life stemmed is very different from a zygote.

  30. While I could spend 10 minutes pointing out all the flaws of this question, I'll just stick with the major one.

    A fetus is not my mother, just as a chimpanzee isn't my father.

    Maybe I would understand your mind better if I were high.

  31. Wut?

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