
Evolutionists what is your theory of evolution?

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Where did your first ancestor come from?

An ape, a mud puddle, a fish or something else?

What do you think humans will evolve into?




  1. i think that we came from apes did you know that human and ape DNA only differ by 2%?

  2. Haha, according to this discovery chanel show I was watching we're going to go extinct and squids are going to come out of the ocean and become the next dominant species on the earth.  I'll say the experts behind that idea have quite an active imagination.

  3. There is no such thing as a first ancestor.  That is your first misunderstanding.  Life evolved over billions of years.  I don't expect you to understand those numbers.  I can't imagine what other proof you might need.  Compare yourself and an ape.  An ape has every single one of your bones but it is slightly modified for its environment.  An ape has almost every one of your genes except those that were modified starting about 5 million years when they diverged from a common ancestor (chimps anyway).  The only difference between you and ape is that you are arrogant enough to insist you are better than they are, that you are somehow superior.  Frankly my money is on the ape.

  4. well in my opinion, we didn't come from apes but evolved directly from Neanderthal (cave men).

    Hence there was always the species of  man but we have evolved from the hunched over hairy thing with a huge skull to the common well groomed business man in a suit.

    And humans will continue to evolve, oh I think we will. Species adaptations is proof of evolution! maybe say thousands and thousands of years all babies will be born with one kidney and no appendix. maybe no pinky toe too.

    who knows what shall become of our ancestors genetic evolved traits but isn't it exciting that the world is yet to witness our further evolution!

    will we evolve?

  5. why not comprimise? the science tells us of apelike ancestors, and god says we evolved from him. God s an ape, and being all pissy and high and mighty about what anyone else believes wont get you into heaven.

    And were evolving into a species of obese peoples, incappable of living without scientific medications.

  6. The great apes and humans shared a common hominids ancestor,

    which shared a common primate ancestor with the monkeys,

    which shared a common mammalian ancestor with the marsupials which probably resembled a rodent.

    The warm blooded of mammals probably shared a common amphibian ancestor with the reptiles,

    which shared the same ancestors as aquatic creatures,

    which shared the same ancestors as all other animals.

    The thing about evolution is that it never stops, so no modern creature is really evolved from any other modern creature, but all share the same progenitor.

    After all, every living thing on Earth is made of the same amino acids with that is translated using the same RNA coding system, which is transcribed from the same system of DNA.

    As for the descendants of humans:

    While I do not know what physical traits they will have,

    I DO know that many of them will believe themselves perfect creations and will refuse to accept that they are descended from us.

  7. Why does it have to be one way or the other?  I believe that life started from a single cell organism and evolve to what it is now.  Who's to say that God didn't nudge life into it in the first place?  Just because the whole process didn't happen in 6 days, doesn't mean that God doesn't have anything to do with it.  

    Amazing that a few hundred years ago, the same people that thinks the earth is 6000 years old said that the earth is the center of the universe and that it's flat.

    As for the future, well who knows what the future will bring.  But we are still evolving.

    LMAO, I love that last line Culture Nine.

  8. It is funny how science takes on one outlook then another.  Documentaries have talked about Australopithecus, or Lucy, as our earliest human ancestor.  This ape lived, oh, about 2 to 3 million years ago.  It is depicted as having a chimplike skull but the rest is pretty human.  But, earliest human ancestor?  They also know that we go back a lot further.  And in fact our earliest ancestor is the same ancestor we share with trees and mushrooms.  It is probably a bacteria from 3.5 billion years ago.

    Further evolution may take place off of this planet.  Again, documentaries have been interesting.  If we evolve in the weightlessness of space, Discovery Channel has depicted our descendant as a ball with four arms sticking out and four hands.  But no legs or arms.

    Maybe the most disturbing thought is that our distant descendants will be machines.  We will gradually instill more and more mechanical devices into our body to make them function better.  With artificial intelligence, maybe a completely mechanical body will function best.

  9. I don't believe in Evolution from one species to another.

    God said in Genesis, that He created KIND after KIND.

    Everything is SET to produce that way.

    It is unchangeable, and my solid belief, that GOD CREATED everything as we see it. AND, he created everything in existence out of NOTHING.  

    Try that yourself!!! Bet you can't do it!!!

  10. Its not a theory, its a fact.  Our earliest anchestor was a fish with five bones in its fins, but what we may evolve into is anyones guess.

  11. hi my name is Tweakie!

  12. I came from My God, so I guess I  am different. But thank God, I did. And he gave love and common sense, or I might believe  the evolution.hog wash Also. . God is good.!!!!

  13. ???

    It's not MY theory.

    If you want to understand it (and I gather you don't, but prefer ignorance), you could read any of the great number of books on the topic, or check out these websites:

    The first humans probably evolved in Africa; yes, they were apes. We're apes.

    Long before that we were fish of some sort.

    We aren't evolving into anything.

  14. When the earth was nothing but rock and gases, an alien came down from space and took a dump somewhere in Africa. The single celled bacteria from the alien's poo fed off the sund and gas, and evolved into plants, animals, and then people.  So we come from alien doodoo.

  15. Interesting!!! My first ancestors came possibly from an ape. With the passage of time scientists think or hypothesize primates started branching out. One of those branches was human being. We should not confuse things here. When evolutionists talk about the human origin, they are not saying we evolved from gorilla or monkey in my view. I assume they are arguing that, primates have some form of genetic resemblance as we started drifting apart  from a common ancestor.  It is not linear thinking. I am not sure the future of human beings, but in the following thousand years we may develop some physical characteristics. Given global warming and environmental change it is possible that we are going to be shaped in a certain ways. We are going to persist.

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