1. if an organism does not have certain traits to begin with, how can it develop those traits?
2. if an organism does not possess a certain trait, how can it pass it on to its offspring?even mutations, we have seen cows with two heads, but they are still cow heads.Unless they interbreded a cow with a zebra, or one of the cow's anscestors is a zebra, we will never see a cow give birth to a cow that has the head of a zebra, for example. how can one anscestor give birth to different kinds of animals that possess traits that the anscestor does not possess. let's say the common anscestor is a dog. so then if evolution is true, in billions of years there will be hudreds of new kinds of animals that came from the dog. but if the dog does not have a trait for hands no matter how many descendants the dog will have, they will all have paws, not hands.
3. so if evolution claims that all life on earth came from a simple cell, how did the cells get more complex?
( simple ans. please. thanks.)