
Evp just recorded?

by  |  earlier

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first one starts at 4 and goes until 7.....second is at 11 and goes until 15....and the third went from 17-21. 2:59 I set up the recording..shut the door and left the room, a 3:07 i came back and played it. I don't recognize the voice, but my friend says "sounds like my step grandmother who died 9 years ago in December"....which idk. Very weirddd. Anyone else have evp experiences?




  1. let's hear it.

  2. Get it out there as fast as possible.The more folks that hear it the better.Post it here I know I'd like to hear it.If asked I will refrain from commenting on it.

  3. many times, i have heard evp's.  contact a local paranormal group with an expert on evps.  if you need help, you can email me and i will direct you.

  4. I have enumerated my distaste for EVPs in particular on a number of different posts.  Beyond the physical problem with the phenomenon (i.e. spirits don't have voice boxes, EVPs can be heard by machines playing at hearing frequency but normal ears can't, etc.), I see EVPs as creative hearing.  I see it as nothing more than auditory pareidolia--making a pattern out of random noise.
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