
Evp question?

by Guest63772  |  earlier

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I'm writing a book about EVP & I got a traditional publisher to publish it. This is the cover, spine, and back. Just wondering what you all think of it? What do you think?







  1. Traditional publishers hire artists to design covers for them.  They also have a bias in favor of having the name of the publishing house on the spine, the front cover, and the back.

    This cover has an ISBN, indicating the book is ready for publication, but there's no publisher name anywhere.

    The spine can't be designed until the final manuscript is approved through an editing department.  The number of pages determines the width of the spine.

    Traditional publishers take care of the entire cover design because they know how it should look to get the possibility for sales.

    Edit:  Incidently, your story would play better if you obscured those ISBN numbers.  They identify the real title, author and publisher of the owner of the ISBN.

  2. Don't like the cover of the book at all it looks like it was put together by someone without alot of skill and looks unprofessional. Oftentimes when you are trying to sell a book like this you want the most professional face that you can put forward. Alot of people base the fact of weither they will buy the book on the cover.

    Why does it seem unprofessional? The font used is so basic and it just looks like it was put together in paint. The image used as the back ground has nothing to do with the theme of the book, and could use some work on the desciption make it more of why should I buy this book.

    My suggestion is to find a private freelance graphic designer most will work with you for very cheap.

  3. i like it. it appeals to the ghost hunter in me.

  4. I think the back cover includes a punctuation error and is very poorly written.

    I thought all ISBNs that are new had 13 digits.

  5. Actually, I think it looks fine.  If anything, I would add a little more color in the glow.

  6. I agree with the others that you might want to work on the cover a bit - at least the font, if nothing else.  Also, did you have the book professionally edited?  From the back cover - 'Spirits --- interacting with humans?  If so, ---"  This should probably read 'ARE spirits interacting with humans?  And you only need one of those 'If so's, not three of them.  After the first one, it's implied.
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