
Ew, miley cyrus is getting in all sorts of trouble now?

by Guest60808  |  earlier

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shes going to be like all the other celebs now =/




  1. She's not awful. But she really needs to consider her "role model" status when she's taking those pictures and doing things. Personally I think she's gonna end up worse than alot of stars cuz she doesn't seem to be learning from her mistakes.

  2. EW miley cyrus. full stop

  3. Give any kid that age, that kind of money; and there is going to be problems.

  4. My dad told me that you shouldn't begin stardom too early. Even if it is your dream... your chance to shine will come soon. Just wait for it. (:

  5. I think Miley is a good role model for kids and the media should give her a break!

  6. Personally, I don't care about Miley Cyrus.

  7. Miley Cyrus was pushed into being Famous.  Sure it was her dream, but she was born into it because of her father.  Her whole life she's been in the spot light just because she was a famous person's daughter.  Having to much attention make you get a big head, and getting to little just screws up your life more.  Miley has gotten so much attention that she thinks she can get away from everything.  She needs to realise THIS IS LIFE NOT A DRESS REHEARSAL!  She's got a big head.  She started out at 13 years old!  I'M 13!  She MAKES MORE MONEY THEN HER DAD!  She's exactly like Brittney don't see it yet.  But Brittney spears had so much money as a child!  She made more money then her parents put together!  That's how miley is!  I'm not saying miley will turn out like Brittney, but I'm saying that if she doest fix up her act, and remember the there are millions of girls that look up to her, then she will.  And her parents need to take charge to.  Miley Cyrus is dead to me now.  I looked up to her, but now...i just think it's sad that she would use her fame to be a bad example.   If i had that money, i would be donating it, helping out the homeless, instead of using it TO BUY DISIGNER CLOTHS!  She's 15 years old and she's wearing close a 30 year old should be wearing.  HAVE YOU SEEN THE DRESS SHE WORE TO THE GRAMMYS?!  I just think she needs to slow her roll, stop and think about her future.  Instead of sitting off in lala land thinking about how SATAN put those pictures of her sharing a peice of candy with another girl.  SATAN DIDNT TAKE THE PICTURE DID HE!?  Dont take a picture you dont want getting out.  Cuz when your famous someone's going to get it.  PERIOD!

  8. what did Miley ever do?!

    i think she's awesome!

    why do you pick on her?

    she's not bad

  9. I don't follow up on her too too much but I do know that they are marketing her like shes some kind of item for sale..They spread false storeis about he length of her tours and movies and DVD's and then every kid gets so caught up in it then after they make millions they say ok now we will extend her tour,and her movie its just being born into fame, if thats what you call her dad..I really don't think she can sing she kinda talks instead of singing and her Hannah Montanna show has poor acting,but when you appeal to 4 -12 year olds I guess you really don't have to be talented.And as far as her partying and what not I'm sure she does and will because its only a matter of time before she burns out...Look at Lindsay Lohan.

  10. yes because, people who start their fame at a bit to af a young age they turn out to be bad examples!

  11. SHe always has been,  white trailer park trash..look at her can take the person out the trailer park, can not take trailer park out of person.....

    She is no role model ...  sad sad sad...

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