
Ewhat criminal acts did I commit and what did I get suspended for?

by  |  earlier

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In school hears what I did:During snack recess I was wondering around and I saw a chocolate chip cookie wrapped up laying on a bench I went over to the bench opened it up and ate the chocolate chip cookie.Then I told my PE teacher what I did then she asked me "was that yours" then my PE teacher told my classroom teacher then my classroom teacher told the principal then the school staff found out that the chocolate chip cookie belonged to a boy named Kevin then I got suspended from school for a day.

For number 2 situation hears what I did. My friend named Kevin Vasquez slept over at my house. He left his jacket on a chair I went to that chair took his jacket and hid it someplace like a drawer then the next day he was looking for it and could not find it then he went home without his jacket and I ended up keeping his jacket




  1. i dont understand what was so terribly wrong about the cookie thing...but technically you stole the jacket

  2. In the first case, you committed theft. The cookie wasn't yours.

    In the second case, you committed both theft and ongoing criminal activity, as it appears you are starting to get the hang of stealing other people's stuff.

    You got suspended because the school found out that you stole Kevin's cookie.


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