
Eww I have headlice!!!?

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its disgusting i'm a teenage girl how can i have headlice!?

and my hair is really long so combin git takes ages.

Im way too embarrassed to tell my mum or go to a chemist or anything

whats the best way to get rid?

and ewww :(





  1. Say to your mum

    "eww i saw nits/lice in (your friends name's) hair yesterday and i was near her all day so can you go get me some headlice stuff from the chemist i dont want the nasty buggers in my hair so might as well be on the safe sife"

    and d.w. if you have nits in means other poeple around you have!


  2. You need to tell your mom so she can help you clean them out... otherwise it will get so bad that you will need to cut your hair...  

  3. You must go to the chemist to get something to kill the lice, it's the only place you can get something strong enough. Better to tell your mum too, and hot wash all your bedding.

    They are on the increase in UK schools, and areas where the school nurse ("Nitty Nora the Bug Explorer") no longer visits are worse.

    It is normal, they jump from an infected head to a clean one. Avoid close contact to anyone you suspect of having nits.

  4. you should be flattered they chose YOUR head  

  5. It's quite common for younger people because you're around so many others, it's easier to pick up. You have long hair, so yes, it will take longer to get rid of. Make sure you tell someone about it otherwise, it will spread and lay more and more eggs in your hair.

    Your clothes, bedding, and carpet are probably invested so you need to take care of that as soon as possible.

    If you tell someone, they will give you a special comb and some chemicals to help kill the lice. The chemicals will actually kill the bugs, and the comb should be used to get the eggs out of your hair. Lice cannot jump or fly so don't worry about that.

    Make sure that you tell someone soon because the longer you wait, the harder it will be to treat.

    Don't worry- it's not the end of the world.

    It's okay...many people get head lice during their childhood. It doesn't mean that you are a dirty or disgusting person. In most cases, lice tend to attack the people with clean hair.

    Good luck!


  6. ewww. I feel so sorry for you!!!! my sister has it cuz shes in primary school...i know the routinee lol

    I'm afraid you have to go to the chemist, theres some really good stuff that works for  tenner. Umm, yeah. So wash your hair, cover it with the stuff. put on a shower cap for the night. wake up, wash your hair and brush your hair(it has to be combed) then with a nit comb brush it out onto a towl or something...

    PS- Chuck the towel + brush affter use ...

    tell your mum aswell. why be embarassed of your mum lol! mines a wierdo and embarasses me but ill get over it!!

  7. Tea Tree Oil. For sure! Go to the drug mart,its like 10 bucks.Good Luck.

  8. It's nothing to be embarrassed about.  It's a natural thing and is not caused by having dirty hair or any of those myths that school kids taunt each other with.  Headlice travel from head to head but do prefer sleek shiny clean hair.  You can catch the if you play sports or have a lot of contact between heads of other people (which is why young people get it more).  You're less likely to catch the if you have afro hair or hair which is braided or in a tight ponytail as it's harder for them to jump onto.  Keep your hair tied back or in a plait if it's long enough until they're gone to avoid them going to anyone else and try to avoid touching your head against someone elses.

    You can buy loads of special shampoos from the chemist and trust me, they don't care what you're buying, only that you have enough money to pay for it!  If you are embarrassed then go into a big Boots or Superdrug where they don't know you and maybe you'll feel better.  Top Marks is one I can think of.  You can also buy special combs which have very fine teeth for combing them out.  I've also seen special electrical combs which make a cool beeping noise when they zap one.  You can use them on cats with fleas too.

    I would tell your mum, it's absolutely fine.  Just say - "mum, can you help me with something, I've got some lice in my hair and I need your help getting them out".  It's best you tell her anyway so she can check her own hair for them as it is possible that she may use your hairbrush without you knowing or something.  It's not like your telling your mum you've got genital warts now is it?  It's not your fault!

  9. As your hair takes so long to comb it will be easiest to buy something from the chemist. You can condition you hair and leave it on while you put the nit comb through your hair, you will need to do it every other day until for at least a week so you get the the lice as they hatch.

    Myths about head lice

    One confusing thing about head lice is that there are many things said about them that are not proven. For example, some people think they need to wash their hats, clothes and bedding to get rid of head lice that might have fallen out of their hair. But head lice attach themselves firmly to the hair. They never willingly leave one head unless there is another one nearby to climb onto. The chances of catching head lice from a pillow or hat are very small. Also, head lice can't live very long once they are separated from a person's head.

  10. Do tell your Mom because she needs to disinfect everything and you don't want it to spread through your entire family..

    Nix or Rid at your local drugstore will get rid of them but also, I know it sounds funny but buy a jar of mayonaisse and cover your entire head of hair, put a shower cap on and leave it on all night.. It smothers the lice and kills them.. You might have to repeat it a couple of times as the nits (eggs) hatch..Health Question & Answer

    You'll have to get shampoo made to kill lice, because regular shampoo won't work.. All family members will have to use the shampoo as well.. At the same time you'll have to treat your entire house.. All the bedding will have to be washed in hot water, the furniture and carpet shampooed, the seats in the car, your brushes, hats, anything that you can think of that touched your head.. If it isn't all done at the ame time you'll just be spinning your wheels because the lice will be killed from one place and when the eggs hatch later they'll get on the things you just cleaned.. You'll need to get it taken care of before school starts because they'll send you home till they're gone.. You'll have to do it over again in a few days when the eggs hatch.. I know it sounds like a lot of trouble, and it is..Health Question & Answer

    l it sounds like you have it deary you need to get the lotion and treat your head but retreat your head again after 7 day you will only kill the lice the first treatment but........ the eggs are very hard to get rid of they are like tiny pieces of specles like glue and they hatch after 3 to 4 days Health

  11. You shouldn't be too embarrassed to tell your mum it's not your fault you've got them plus she'll probably work it out when she catches them off you!   The best way to get rid of them is to get proper stuff from the chemist.   If I were you I'd just tell my mum...and make her go to the chemist for me :)  

  12. go to a pharmacy and get a shampoo kit. you should also comb it to ensure the nits get out. good luck

  13. Shave your head you disgusting ape

  14. i have them too! got them from my little sis.. i just use full marks and comb thru with a nit comb.

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