
Eww! my bf just told me this gross story. do you think its true or is he making it up?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so, my boyfriend tells me a lot of storys about what these girls at his school do to him... and what they say to him. You know, stuff like that. Sometimes, some of the things he tells me I find hard to believe. I don't think he would lie to me but you never know right? I'm in 7th grade and he is in 6th grade. Last year I was in 6th and he was in 5th. So last night he was telling me that one day he was at his locker and this girl was next to him. He told me she flashed him! He said she said "Hey look!" and she took off her shirt and bra and showed him her b*****s. Now do you think thats true? I find that hard to believe. He was only in 5th grade and that doesn't seem like something a 5th grader would do. I don't know? Does anyone else agree with me? Do you think he just made that up? HELP!!!

BY THE WAY, he always tell me these weird things. Like he told me once this girl said she wanted to have a ******** with him. I don't know about that. He claims a BUNCH of girls used to like him and follow him around and stuff. Is he lieing about that? please help




  1. He's probably lying. No girl would do that.

  2. okay lets just say this first, EW THAT IS REVOLTING!!! okay i'm done. I was in 5th grade last year and NO ONE did any of the c**p lik dat. I have met some1 that has thou. she doesn't go 2 my skool but she's n 7th grade! quit wit the online boyfriends!!! it's retarted! He's probably only makin dat junk up 2 sound cool ugh DUMP that boy

  3. A lot of guys do that for people to think they're cool.He's probably lying.

  4. omg

    grow up

  5. i think he is jut trying to sound cool. by the way you shouldn't have online relationships!

  6. i think hes lying to make you jealous... but you never know.

    Good Luck

  7. LoL i liked the additional details, puts a new answer on it. he is probably just trying to make you jealous to see your reaction or something and i don't believe any of that c**p.

  8. b*****s are not that big of deal these days.

    You should have said upfront that hes is an online boyfriend so we could have rolled our eyes and not bothered to respond.

  9. I don't know... First of all, why in the world are you going out with a boy that is telling you all this stuff?, That is definitely unapropiate for kids your age and second of all why are you dating any ways? You are way too young! Were tha h**l are your parents? That's what I really want to know!

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