
Ewww! Ants!?

by  |  earlier

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Can anyone suggest anything to deal with ants in the house? I have put down ant traps and poison but somehow they are still appearing. (I keep everything clean and closed up tight). Thank you.




  1. well ...................we bought a container of anti-ant -product containing sodium borate  and boric acid in a ready to use liquid.after 2 application s on the kitchen sink._it works!

    Maybe buying a similar product might help? good luck,

    (caution it may not/-will not  work for "fire ants" or aggressive tropical red ants- tho- sorry!i

  2. if you have an idea where they are coming in you can help to erradicate the nest by laying down artifical sweetener that contains aspertane. they take it back to thier nests to feed on. They mistake it for sugar but it is a poison to them.

    examples are Sweet n Low and Equal.

    Makes you wonder  doesn't it??

  3. I've heard that vinegar keeps them away.

  4. Lure them from the house by placing a jam jar outside with sweet ant kill in it, that should see them off!
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