
Ewww! I found hair in my gf's arm pits and on her bum! Is this normal? How do I get the vision out of my head?

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So I visited my girlfriend when she wasn't expecting me and started making out only to find hair in her arm-pits and even her ***! OMG! Do girls get body hair too or is she weird? I can't tell her that she's no longer s**y to me coz every time I think of her I see the hair and go ewwwww! Can anyone help save my relationship?




  1. LOL! This actually made me laugh. Puberty is all about going through the change. Hair grows on women and on men throughout this stage. That's why women get waxed/shave isn't it? Just get over it and wait - she will want to get waxed soon enough. Patience is the key.

  2. omg dont be such a boy. All girls get hair, trust me. Just many of them wax or shave it off.    If you really liked her you wouldn't care about this .    

  3. Ewwww!!!..Your shallow personality stinks!! ewwwwww....

  4. Umm, first off, why were you looking at her *** anyway? o_o but no, shes not weird, it's like that for every girl and you should just STOP thinking about the hair because all girls have it. Case closed. (sorry, i didn't mean to be rude)

  5. well girls do get body hair. thats human nature. get used 2 it

  6. are you sure she is a girl

  7. Don't be so insensitive!

    Of course women have hair, they are mammals!

    She probably didn't have time to shave and anyway she doesn't have to shave if she doesn't want to. You should love her for who she is, not how much hair she has..

  8. You are kidding -right. You did not think women had underarm or pubic hair.How old are you? While men generally have more hair than women, pubic and underarm hair is common to both sexes. If you want to end your relationship as a result of something that is normal and natural, I suggest that you examine your true motivation ;maybe you are trying to use this as an excuse to end a romance you no longer want any part of.But if you do not want to end it and the hair does bother you, talk to her----with her assent, she can shave the hair in those areas ----problem solved.

  9. well, every girl is diferent. some have mor hair than others, i shave it all off because i think its all gross, butif your gf is confident she make just be secure and if you cant handle it, oh well

  10. dude girls get armpit hair but they shave it off... and sence u went to see her unexpecetilly she probly didnt have time to shave her pits... also dudes arnt the only ones who get hair....

  11. Wow OKAY. If you don't even know the basics of anatomy, why the heck do you even have a gf?

    This may help: EVERY SINGLE PERSON on planet earth will have hair in those places.

    Phhff, "saving your relationship"... it's questions like these that make me want to burst out laughing and puke at the same time.

  12. It is completely normal. to get it out of your head picture her before that.

  13. Wow..

    Well, You came over unexpectedly.

    You were in for a surprise from the get-go.

    I'm sure she shaves herself. But maybe that particular day she forgot to?



    -YES, IT'S NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. is the hair in her bum or on it?

  16. yes its normal and try to forget that image

    answer mine please? ***10 points best answer!***;...

  17. Maybe you should swim on over to the deep end, little kids pee in the shallow pool.  

  18. Real women have hair.

  19. All gurls have hair is those places smarty...just most shave under there arms.... it perfectly normal..srry bud but ur not goin to fine any gurl with no hair... and btw if ur gf has dark hair on her head ur be able to see the hair more thats why is doesn't look like every gurl has it

  20. It's very normal. Most women don't like pit and bum hair on guys either but we don't make such a big deal out of it. You can save your relationship by getting over it.

  21. lol geez.. this is just normal, relax.. even women have hair, what if she doesnt like your *** hair, beard, chest hair, back hair, hairy legs? get a life. if you love her, you will survive.. wtf, why would THIS ruin your relationship?????? i dont think you know what love is about, certainly not about hairy asses

  22. wow shallow much? from the way your actiing,she should dump you. id rather have hair than have a shallow boyfriend..

  23. How old are you? Twelve? Normally, women have body hair, they just shave it off. Sometimes in more areas than you are aware of. Grow up and mature a little bit, you shouldn't like your girlfriend for her looks. If you do, she needs to wise up and go find someone else who doesn't care about how nature made her and every other girl out there.

  24. of course its normal perve gosh ur acting like such a little kid

  25. This is totally normal. You should research the reasons why the human body has hair in all the places it does - there are reasons - then maybe you can get over how you feel.

  26. you IDIOT.

    of course HAIR is normal!!!

    human beings are MAMMALS. we all have hair on our bodies! girls just happen to shave it off.

    just because you're an insensitive GUY doesn't give you the excuse to be so freakin' stupid.

    she's a human being...and she wasn't expecting you to be there!

    don't s***w your relationship up for something that's natural!

  27. duh its normal. she probably shaves it but u just barged in on her and she didn't have time or something. Why would this ruin your relationship? You don't see her dumping you for your obviously small p***s.

  28. Why are you so shallow?  I'm sure you have hair in all those places too!  You've got no place to judge buddy.

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