
Ewww...I just ate mold and I'm pregnant!?

by  |  earlier

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I was eating this chocolate pie thingy that I got from was just a chocolate filled crust thing. Well, anyway...I was eating it and then I tasted something weird while chewing and right as I was swallowing it I looked at the pie and realized that I took a bite of fuzzy green mold!!!!'s bad enough that it was disgusting but I'm 8 weeks, 4 days prego too! It won't hurt my baby right? Is there something I should do about it or just let it pass and not worry about it? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.




  1. don't worry.  I joked my son was made of bagels, swedish fish and gummy bears because I ate so much junk food when I was prego (and gained too much weight). Anyway, it'll be a story to tell your baby, but don't worry. you're fine.  

  2. If you are allergic to mold then you should go to the doctor

  3. If your that worried make your self throw up.

    Note : I hate cooking chicken i never know if its done. Well anyways I fried up some chicken cut it open everything was perfectly white so i started eating. 10min later started to get sick stop for the whole half of the day i was sick nausea feeling like. So i couldn't take it anymore and i made myself throw up. I figured it was the chicken and sure enough when i threw up a green guey icky stuff came out instead of chicken. Then it turned out that i didn't cook the chicken all the way because the bone was un cooked.  

  4. You will most likely be alright...unless you are allergic to it...

  5. well it depends on the type of mold. most variations are harmless and will be taken care of by the acid in your stomach. some can make you very sick. the best thing to do is ask a doctor and see if they can identify they type of mold it is and go from there.


  7. lol

  8. You should be okay.. Cheese is mold! :o)

    Eating molded or otherwise spoiled food is not

    healthy, but is not a severe threat either. Most

    bacteria and molds will not survive the acid in your

    stomach, and the disease-causing (pathogenic) bacteria

    would have to compete with other bacteria that feasted

    on your meal. Pathogenic bacteria may have multiplied

    during non-safe storage, though the growth you saw was

    likely due to other bacteria, which may have even

    prevented growth by salmonella and it's unpleasant

    cousins. Apart from eating life pathogenic

    microorganisms, the other danger is their toxic

    metabolic products. These often cause acute symptoms,

    within 12 hours of ingestion.

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