
Ewwww perverted neighbor?? plz read!!?

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i'm 14 years old and over the summer i stay at my grandmas house, and one thing i do everyday is go on my swing in her back yard & listen to my ipod. its my alone time & relaxes me.

and my grandma has a neighbor who lived there about just as long as my grandma lived in her house, [almost 30 years] my mom always said he was a perv & used to watch her in her bikini when she was like 15. and my grandma saw him peeping at her before too.

well latley he has been sitting outside every evening. and hes always outside at night when im outside, and im starting to notice he always comes outside like 5 mintues or less after I go outside!!!

and a few days ago it was really dark outside & i was about to go in my house, when my neighbor [who is a drunk] throws his dogs toys right up by the fence where my swing is so he can go over there by me, and a few days ago he was talking to me for about 45 minutes in the middle of the night about "animals" and i knew he was drunk cause he smelt like alcohal from about 10 ft. away and he kept asking & saying the same things over & over. and he kept saying "i cant hear you, your too far away" trying to get me to go closer & i didnt,

and another thing my whole family noticed is he placed he lawn chair in a random area of his huge backyard, but its RIGHT where he can see me from far perfectly in between my grandpas garden & bushes.

he is soo annoying and perverted. im annoyed & kinda scared of him [hes like in his 50's] i cant go outside to have ALONE time w/ out him coming outside & staring at me or throwing his dogs toys by my fence so he can come closer to me & sometimes talk & bug me.

my whole family knows about this and im really irritated. theres not much I can do to control where he sits & how much he stares at me.

but idk what to do???


he has no reason to talk or sit where he can stare at a 14 year old even if its talking about "animals"




  1. We have a peeper too, it's aweful. There are a few things you can do. You can have you grandma plant some tall, dense bushes against the fence, something that he cannot see through. Then, you might want to go online and search him. You can browse the government's register for s*x offenders in your area for free and see if he is listed. If he harasses you or says anything sexual to you, then call the police. It sounds like a big commotion, but it isn't. At least he'll stop.

  2. maybe secretely video him watching u

    so that if u even needed evidence against him u would hav it

    it would show him being sneeky

    shows him watching u

    an him only going outside evry time u did

    talk to ur parents

    get them to talk to him maybe an ask them if u can tell the police

  3. thats so weird stay away from him and never be alone with him and i guess you can get a restraining order if he keeps stalking you

  4. Ask Grandma to put up a privacy fence (one you can't see through) 10 feet high on his side, or put mole traps in the ground where he would come over to get the animal toys.

    Or ask Grandma to move the swing, if its on a tree, or take a lawn chair and go on the opposite side of the house where he can't see you.  Or if they've an detached garage that's not on that side of the neighbor go there.

    Or go for walks (take a cell with you)

    Call the cops, or get the local police to drive by, also.  There's a website you can see if he's a registered s*x offender.

  5. wel he sounds really perverted and possibly a sexual predator. so u should just not stand outside alone or not stand outside at all. also maybe get ur dad or some other man in ur family to tell him off about how he is bothering u. also maybe he is perverted but when u r drunk u can do anything like hurt someone and not no it.

  6. Is there any way that your swing could be moved to the other side of the yard.

    Maybe there is a solution that your Mom and Grandma could come up with. A privacy wooden fence for that part of the yard would be helpful.

    In the meantime, avoid this drunk/pervert until something can be figured out.

  7. mess with him go out at random times and when he comes out go back in. just to see his reaction. maybe tape it or something.

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