
Ex-Husband's girlfriend-What would you do-mother's only please!?

by Guest63170  |  earlier

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what would you do if your 11 year old girl and 8 year old boy came home from their father's house from visitation and told you as a mother that daddy's girlfriend made your daughter take her panties off that belonged to you( pooh panties) and threw them in the trash and told your daughter that she was not aloud to wear her mother's trashy panties? let me say for one I didn't know she had them on, 2. they where just pooh bear panties with pink balloons. 3. she is just a girlfriend that live's with my ex husband that tries her best to step in my shoe's of being their mother all the time.4. she screams as loud as she can at them. what would yall mother's do?




  1. Well I don't think that his "girlfriend" has any business disciplining your child and your husband is not much of a father or man letting someone who does not love his child as a mother would have that kind of power.

    Bottom line, lay one hand on my child and I will have you arrested for assault.

  2. I would speak to my ex straight away. I would request a meeting with you and he and the girlfriend.

    If I was not satisfied about the safety of my children I would see a lawyer about stopping visitation while the girlfriend was around.

  3. I would tell my ex-husband and let him handle it, but also make it very clear that she isn't the parent and that in no way should she be left alone with the children or parent them in any way.

    If she has any problems she needs to call you if dad isn't available, if he is then dad needs to take care of it. Besides pooh panties...she probably thought they were cute. She's eleven and they're pooh.

    If she can't respect that and neither can your husband then maybe custody needs to be revised until she is out of the picture or eventually married to your ex, in that case she is still not the parent to your kids. All discipline should be handed over to the kids father.

  4. TALK to your EX-husband about it! ask him why was he letting his gf do it to your kids. dont let them visit their dad again if he doesnt promise that his  gf wont be there. or ATTACK that girl if she does it again!

  5. I assume that your husband has visitation rights or shared custody.  You need to contact the courts and inform them of the incident, possibly even filing a police report for harrassment or whatever it is (threatening them).  She is lucky to be dealing with you because I would have her *** so fast she wouldn't even know what was happening.  Obviously, she isn't a mother and doesn't know that we are like momma lions when someone "attacks" our children.  Do what you have to do to protect your children from this psycho.  Your ex husband seems to not give a c**p and maybe this will wake him to what kind of women he has in his home.  UGGGHHHHH!!!!!

  6. i had the same problem with my son whenever he went down to visit his father his girlfriend would make spiteful remarks to my son about me which would upset him,i did try and speak to his dad and tell him what had gone on but unfortunatly he didnt want to know and said my son was being silly and that the girlfriend didnt mean it like my son had explained it,so i decided to speak to her myself she also denied that she had done anything wrong and now my son who is 12 no longer sees his dad or wants anything to do with him although i try to incourage him to go he now thinks that his dad dosnt belive him and has chosen the girlfriend over him but i suppose it goes on what kind of person your ex husband is,maybe he will talk to his g/f and it will all be ok,or on the other hand it could go the way it did for me which is a shame but either way it depends on what kind of people they are..good luck!!

    just read what you added

    if she is on about smacking your kids or threatening them in that manner then h**l no she needs to be sorted out!!

  7. I would tell the girl that she doesn't need to be so immature and that they are your kids not hers and if she wants to tell them something then she needs to ask you first or even ask your kids for that matter

  8. I would discuss with your ex husband how she has no say in disiplining your children and if she were to have a problem, she should discuss it with your ex or you before she tries to tell them things like she told them. As well as not bad mouthing you. Hopefully you have a good relationship with your ex, at least when it comes to your kids.

  9. if his visitations are through the courts, contact your attorney and see if you can get supervised visits for a while. If you can, great. One thing I would do is document all your kids tell you, all your ex says, like the date, time, exactly what your kids tell you or the ex. Keep an ongoing record of these events. Apparently this woman is trying to belittle you, and your reactions is what she and your ex are looking for. Do your best to keep your cool with this, you need to be strong and you need to be the adult here. If the visits are just weekends, dress your kids in plain, no kid like, clothes. I am sure you will get complaints about this as well. Which, is just what you want - you keep a record of this also. When you feel you have enough, get it to the courts. If, she or he lays a hand on either of your kids, you notify the authorities immediately.  Ex's have their little feelings hurt, a new woman in their lives makes them feel like they are all that and oh, you poor thing, how could that woman (you)  treat a good 'guy like that!" If the screaming continues, same thing, get to the courts and speak your peace. Possibly they will suspend his visits until he gets it together, or make him have those supervised visits. Use your head, not your emotions. It will be hard, but you need to do it right.

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