
Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses: Now that you look back....?

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Can you see the organization as more of a "SOCIAL GROUP" than a religion? Does it seem JWs are addicted to this lifestyle/routine?

Their spiritual family seems to come first, they seem more concerned with their "standing" among their peers, AND the whole disfellowshipping arrangement is designed to use association with other JW's as a priveledge and scare lose WHAT? JW friends and family.

I can see this so clearly now. Can you? Any thoughts?




  1. Not a ex JW.  I studied with a woman 4 years and didn't cut it.  I can empathize with you.  I saw firsthand what it did to a young mother.  Its unbelievable.  My experience in the Catholic Church that never happened.  If someone is hurting, we will comfort and encourage that person.  Wow, all I can say is that shun thing is unbelievable.  WWJD? Well no; I don't practice none of the 2 religions.  I choose to be free and go my own course.  On my spare time I go here, there, and everywhere just for the experience you know.  There's truth out there to suit everybody.  Man is just another imperfect human as you and I.  They get no business to tell you and I what we are guilty or shameful of.  There are not God.  Who cares what they think.  The ones that stick by you through your ups and downs are your true family and friends.  Jesus is #1 and Jesus is God.  Forget about the JW's.  Things are looking up.  "You can see clearly now, the rain has gone.  There's no obstacles in your way."  You go girl, keep it up.  Smile.  Good I can see you smiling!  Gotta go now, catch you later.  

  2. Hi

    I am going to give my opinion here talking as a person who was away from the truth for several years but now back thanks to Jehovah. Let me first say that nobody is forced to be or for that matter to remain a jehovah's Witness, but when I was away one thing that I do know is it was the most miserable time of my life. Knowing that what is contained in the Bible remains, the truth remains the truth. At night I would be in constant dread thinking about the end of this system, and be caught on the wrong side of Jehovah's anger. Also what the Bible says about drugs,s*x before marriage, smoking etc it is all correct, it is for our benefit that Jehovah tells us what is beneficial for us. The things that I did back then, thinking that they where good and enjoyable were in fact shallow and empty, and I am still paying for certain "acts" even now.

    Anyway 9/11 happened and I was really worried, I made a decision there and then to ask Jehovah for forgiveness and to come back to him. He responded with open arms. Please if you have left Jehovah's ways please think about returning as time is desperate, don't worry about what you have done, just come back, Jehovah's wants you back. It is easy to critisize the people in the truth, but we are not perfect, so please don'tt look for perfection. Please feel free to email me if I can be of any further assistance.


  3. I wouldn't exactly call it a "social group." It wasn't fun excluding the rest of the world from my life, to keep what I was "allowed" to have as a Jehovah's Witness.  I did it because I thought it was the right thing to do, just as current JWs do.  Being one comes at a great cost! Choosing to no longer be one also has a high price tag attatched to it!

    For this and many other reasons, the religion of the Jehovah's Witnesses is widely recognized as a psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually abusive cult.

    Edit to Lisa K:  I'm so sorry. I can only imagine what that must have been like.  If it were me, I'd stop accompanying my mom-in-law on her errands.  So disrespectful!

  4. They have too much to lose if they start to question what obviously needs questioning.  I know because I have been where they are...I lost everything when I left the Witnesses..but I gained everything, because I have the Lord now and I am blessed.

    27 years and no contact with my family.......good riddance to bad religion

  5. O No the world is round. every one is same. Why do JW?

  6. I see everything clearly now. They seem to have no empathy for ones that are not JW's. They are all about themselves. I can see their fruits now..and they are not all good ..some are down right rotten.

    I remember not too long ago, I had to go with my mother in law to a JW's home to retrieve her keys. (my mother in law is a JW's)..I used to be. I thought that the JW's that lived at the home didn't recognize me due to the fact she didn't even say hi or act as if I were there. I finally said..Hi..Don't you remember me? She said yes...and basically  ignored me.

    Then, again, just recently same sort of situation, where my mother in law was with me..she was talking to a "sister" that I hadn't seen in, I went up and said Hi..I was so excited to see her..She too, acted as if I were not there, and had no love at all for me. These are only two examples of many! ..They didn't have the slightest concern for me, or love .

  7. The encouragement to associate with only Witnesses and marry only Witnesses is designed to cement you in place.

    When your whole family, all your friends and a lot of your business associates are Witnesses it becomes a socio/economic force that binds you to them. You think about being disfellowshipped and you shudder.

    I had nightmares about being dosfellowshipped and shunned. But the reality is, it ain't no big thing.

    I could not care less about my former friends and my family can kiss my butt. If i knew it would have this effect on me, i would have left a looong time ago.

  8. Yes, I agree with that !

    My friends are still there and they are afraid.

    All the associations that would be cut off if they left, very sad !

    Jesus does not approve !

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