
Ex-Wife - Hates My New Wife?

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Why do Ex-Wifes have Hang-Ups with New-Wife after Ex-Wife has Remarried-Divorced and has had Several Boyfriends and his having a BABY with New-Boyfriend.

Why won't Ex-Wife stop the Bitterness towards my New-Wife and Stepsons.

The worse problem is my Ex-Wife does not give up-on having my 12yr Daughter hate my New-Wife and Stepsons of 4 years and our house-hold.

Why does this woman act this way- I have been Divorced from her for over 8yrs - HELP




  1. Your ex is seems very selfish and somewhat jealous with your wife, who knows for many reasons. If she is a good mother to your and her 12 yrs old daughter, she wouldn't be worry about anyone can't replace her role. Your teenager is old enough to recognize who is really care for her and who is not. As for you, focus on your marriage instead of what your ex think about your wife. Why care? Just be a good dad to your daughter then she can have no saying in this. She didn't care that much 8 years ago. Why now.

  2. Well I have been separated about the same amount of time. My ex has only in recent years been somewhat decent. I think its common, but not exclusive. Nothing much you can do but try to "un-program" what she's filling in your daughter's head about your new family.

  3. You've been divorced for over 8 years!!  Why do you even give a rat's ***???

  4. Simply put: she's an A@@hole.  You cannot change who she is and sometimes there is not real logic to stupid behavior.

    Your real concern should be: how is it affecting your wife and stepson?  If you let this "go" far enough, you stand to lose your family.

  5. Tr is right.

  6. She probably wanted you to feel lost without her being in your life, but obviously that didn't happen, you gained not only a new wife but stepsons as well,  while she on the other hand has been very unlucky in the relationship department and now the only real connection she has  to you is your daughter. Your Ex would be devastated if she lost your daughter's loyalty to you and your New Family. It is selfish on her part because  she doesn't realize how much she's hurting your daughter. Your Ex has a lot of maturing to do or else she'll be in the same situation with the new BF.

    What kind of example is she setting for your daughter by bringing all of these Boyfriends around?

  7. Because she can. You need to try and get inside your daughter's mind and find out how she really feels towards everyone. She is being taught to hate and you need to concentrate on that. Good luck.

  8. your ex is still in love with u, and knows there is no chance to restore her marriage with u, so she is bitter, as she believes your new wife has it better then her.u really can't do a thing to change it, ex's do use children to create problems in new marriages, especially if they aren't happy with their life.

  9. she feels the new wife will replace her as there mother and is worried about it

  10. I agree with the first answer.  She may be having problems with the fact that her daughter may have a relationship with your new wife.  She doesn't want to be replaced, so she is becoming bitter and trying to turn your daughter as well.  Not saying it is right, but the feeling is understandable.

  11. She don't want to see anybody else with you or around your daughter, maybe she still have feelings

  12. why would u and your wife care what ex wife thinks of your wife? and u tell your daughter to shut up. children should obey parents.

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