
Ex and bill payments?

by  |  earlier

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What does your ex do when you send him or her their part of the bills for your children?

What amount do they have to pay (that the court order states)

Do you pay it all first and then send the bills like at the end of the month letting him know what he owes you?




  1. You pay all the bills, then send him or her a copy of the bill and a copy of the receipt showing you paid it in full. by law they have 30 days to reimburse you or you can take them back to court and it will be entered as a court order. Never give them the actual bill or receipt.

  2. My children with my ex are older...they are in their teens and they live with their father...I am responsible for have of the educational expenses and half of their medical bills....My ex husband is pretty easy going....and isn't all over my azz to pay my share immediately...I pay what I can til I pay him what I owe...I don't ask for receipts...even though he offers....I know that he wouldn't lie about my share or spend money he didn't need to on our children...It has worked for us for over 2 years...

  3. When it is a court ordered financial responsibility you should send him a copy of the bill that shows what insurance paid and who owes what after that. I always made sure he knew the due date as well.

    What they owes depends on the court order. Each one is different as no two cases are the same.

    He should have access to the bill ASAP after you receive it. How you handle it after that depends on if he is decent or a dead beat.

    But, it's very imnportant that he gets his copy of the bills right away. I prefer to fax them with a back up copy so it shows where I faxed them and the date. Email works but some courts are not crazy about that.

  4. You pay your share than send the bill showing what he owes them.  Let the company know what is your share and his.

  5. You have to pay the full amount of money the court states or she can get ya in trouble, usually in one lump sum. Paying their bills doesnt not count, unless you keep full documentation (which you should do with every penny you send her anyways!)
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