
Ex boyfriend Help???

by  |  earlier

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I broke up with my boyfriend a couple days ago.

But I feel terrible..I really liked him.

The reason I broke up with him was because he was lying to me alot.

And he was telling all his friends that I wouldn't "do" anything with/to him. *kissing, hugging, holding hands*

I think he was doing that for sympathy..


I think I still like him


What should I do?


I know it's my fault for breaking up with him.

PLEASE don't give me that answer..

I'm quite confused about what to do..





  1. <= (  I'd hug you rite now.

    I'm sorry to hear that you two didn't work out but honesty

    is very important in a relationship. If he has been lying

    about a lot of different issues then it would make it very

    hard for you to trust him in the future.

    The fact that you broke up with him and you're confused

    now about wether or not you like him or not just means

    you have a brain between your shoulders, babe. You might

    just still like him but it's not going to be the same and it

    wouldn't have been the same thanks to him lying to you

    and talking trash.

    Tonight you should sit back and relax -- watch some TV

    and eat some of your favorite icecream or midnight snack.

    You've been through a lot already and it's important to

    relax after stressful times. Just sitting down and taking

    your mind off of everything will help you sort out your

    feelings a whole lot easier than worrying about it constantly.

    You'll have more guys come and go in your life -- it's just

    how things are, but if you ever want to talk then just

    E-mail me at or just IM on MSN

    at the same address.

    You have all the support you need, so just try to relax a

    bit and think things through with time. Answers to these

    kinds of questions take a little time for some soul searching.

    <= )

    I hope you get to feeling better. And keep your chin up --

    This wasn't your fault, and it's not because of you that

    he's doing all of this.

    - Hex

  2. He lied, so he has to make it up to you (make sure he knows that you know he lied about you)

  3. Little lies that that aren't much to be concerned about. Just beware if he continues to lie about other topics which are more serious and damaging to a relationship.

    Good Luck

  4. You dumped him for a reason... it's natural you'll still have feelings for him for awhile but that will go away :)

    and if he is being that silly about it he isn't worth it anyway

  5. It's not your FAULT for breaking up with him. Relationships are suppose to  end when your partner lies a lot. Trust me, I wish I were you a year ago. My ex lied a lot and I wasn't smart enough to break up with him like you were. Well guess what? It landed me in a world of hurt and now I'm still not completely okay despite a new relationship with a nice guy. Just because he was your first REAL boyfriend doesn't mean he has to be your last. If you're being lied to then the guy isn't worth it. Trust me, you will find someone better. I know that first relationships feel like a fairytale because you feel like you found the one for life but trust me, there are more fishies in the sea that are both better looking and more honest.

  6. look this guy seems to be treating u like dirt!!!! u should maybe be nice to him and just be friends or just stay away. email me to tell me how it goes.
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