
Ex employer issued a P60 for £800 a tenth of money paid in cash how do I declare this to the revenue people?

by  |  earlier

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I worked in a restaurant, and was paid weekly, over a period of 8 months. I received a letter from the revenue office querying what I was doing for a job. I banked about £5000 over the period thinking the restaurant was deducting PAYE. I am not sure how to go about submitting this P60 when it is so hopelessly incorrect, naturally it has no tax deductions. I feel that I should declare something somewhere but am afraid of the repurcussions




  1. I think you need to query with your employer why only £800 was shown on your P60 when he clearly paid you over £5k. It's the employer's responsibility to operate PAYE correctly - do you have patslips you can show HMRC?

  2. The P60 will only cover a period up to 5 April.  You should have received a P45 when you left which will cover 6 April to date of leaving.

  3. If your employer has deliberately not been operating PAYE/NIC correctly, you are not responsible for any shortfall, he is.

    Contact tax office (I would get appointment for interview). Take all documentation ex-employer gave you, also copies of your bank statements, with earnings paid in identified as such, if possible. This could be as simple as putting a pencil tick beside entry. HMRC are always interested to hear of possible fraud, especially as employer has either failed to give you documentation, or has given incorrect details.

    If an investigation is started into your ex-employer's affairs you will not be told of outcome, as that is private to him. One of the things that will be done is a comparison between the details submitted on his annual employer's return against what is claimed for staff wages on his own personal tax return.

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