
Ex-friend Stalker , Scary?

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Hi everyone,

I need advice. *Long Letter written down below*

I used to have a friend whom I had known since grade school. Three and and a half years ago we went to trade school together in orlando. I let him borrow my car once, he never put gas into it when I got it back. We were also playing in a band together. He got involved in all the wrong type of things; abusing drugs (not just regular ones, but hard drugs like cocaine, etc.), satanism (not laveyan, like literal worship of a devil), getting into random fights in downtown orlando, cutting himself and throwing the blood onto his mom and sister, etc. Insane stuff!

After we finished the cd he wanted to make it into a message for satanism, saying crazy things like he was "destined to destroy humanity" and that he "wanted everyone dead" etc. So I told him no, and totally left the band. He got very angry because of this and because he had no ideas for the booklet of the cd, he started saying that i "destroyed his music" etc...

At that point I broke off the friendship, and two weeks later, he slashed the tires on my car. He was also told an acquintance that he was going to shoot me with his gun, etc....very scary stuff!

I tried reporting him to the law but nothing happened and I decided not to pursue it because I was moving out of orlando a week later anyway.

Well, two years after that I find that he had moved back into the area that I am in. I thought he had disappeared, but this lunatic it seems has asked a friend of mine here what my new address is and trying to still get to me! What can I do to stop him or get him into trouble?? He is a very unstable and evil individual




  1. WOW!!! dat is scary ouch!!...

    just get dat security system & try not 2 get in his way or evr run into hem evry where!

  2. Wow,

    He has several demons inside of him which were driven in by music and by drugs the only thing you can do is pray to God and if the time comes and you are face to face with him pray out loud sing a Christian song

    Lord You are good

    And Your mercy endures forever

    Lord You are good

    And Your mercy endures forever

    People from every nation and tongue

    From generation to generation

    We worship You

    Hallelujah hallelujah

    We worship You

    For Who You are

    'Cuz You are good

    You are good all the time

    All the time You are good

    You see him Fuss and do crazy things but if you let God in your life he won't be able to hurt you.. I've seen and heard of demon possesed guys and not once has God failed.

  3. like go undercover and put cameras everywhere. if he makes threats record them. if u get letters from him save them. and move to a different state and dont tell any1 bout it! luck!

  4. He is trying to get a hold of you. How do you know if he is trying to get you? He might just be trying to apologize to you for all his craziness. I'd say confront him and see what he wants then tell him to leave you alone(have friends with you but speak to him privately). If you don't you will just live in fear for the rest of your life and you can't live like that.  

  5. contact your local police dept. and let them know the situation so that you can have a report on file that you fear for your life. If he approaches you it is fair game. Keep yourself protected. Legally and physically. Stalkers are very crazy it is all about them.  

  6. next time keep it simple. other wise no one is going to read it to the end. don`t elaborate too much.

  7. RUN!

  8. Move again.

  9. Go back to the law and tell them. Other than that get a restraining order against him.

  10. omg get a restaining order thats creepy!

  11. wow that sounds really scary i'd call the cops and make them wait at your house because then when he  comes he'll be surrounded. or another option is lock all your doors and don't leave the house for a few days just to be safe. the last option i can think of is get a restraining order against him.

  12. call the police and get brinks home secruity. or a guard dog

  13. Move to england and get a restraining order, or even go as far as to change your name and phone number. Good luck. Sorry about your situation!

    God Bless you,


  14. call the police NOW

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