
Ex-girlfriend wants me back?

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I dated my ex-girlfriend for 4 months and everything was ok. But then problems started. She said she was having real feelings for me and it scared her. As a result she said she had to date other people so she wouldn't get so attached to me.

So she started dating another dude while she was dating me. I hoped she would change her mind and I didn't date anybody else for her a month, but she kept dating him anyway.

I thought if she was going to date other people than I am too, so I started dating a girl I had known before her. Of course my ex got jealous and then she told me she couldn't date me anymore.

She dated him exclusively for 3 months but then a couple weeks ago he dumped her for the same reasons she gave me.

After all of this stuff she now says she wants me back. I don't think I can trust her anymore but I still care a lot about her. In the back of my mind I'm thinking she would still be with him if he hadn't dumped her.

Should I take my ex-girlfriend back after everything she did to me or move on?




  1. Move on. She's flaky

  2. no offense man, but you girlfriend doesn't play fair. you have your own right to date.

    i don't think you should take her back. move on to another girl!  

  3. I wouldn't. She doesn't seem committed. You can take her if you wish, but beware of infidelity.

  4. He dumps her and you're actually surprised she wants you back? You've become a safety net for her, someone she can fall back to while she's inbetween men, someone to fill the void, so to speak.  She'll only stick around until something better comes around or she no longer feels like she needs you for emotional support.  I know you have strong feelings for her, and care about her and those are impossible to over look. But read between the lines here, you know the only reason shes coming back is because he dumped her. Leaving you because she was afraid of getting too attached is such a lame excuse, why wasn't she afraid to get too attached to this other guy?  Right, she wasn't.  It was just a nice way to get away from you, but dangle a string in front of you and watch you jump at it like a total dousche-bag.   Don't let her lead you on and play games anymore, just move on, for good.

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