
Ex-girlfriends friend being a *****? (please excuse my language)?

by  |  earlier

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ok i just dumped my girlfriend a few days ago and i she was a little upset of course and shes been fine ever since. her friend however is being an absolute *****. i get hate mail from her daily and says stuff like "youre a cold heartless b*****d" or "you lost out on her because you think with your p***s". is it any of her business anyway? it makes me feel like a horses patoot if you know what i mean. how can i shut this ***** up?




  1. just ignore it, who cares about what she has to say, just delete everything without even looking at it

  2. she thinks she is being a good friend.

    and maybe her doing this is making your ex girlfriend feel better.

    idk just a guess.

    and you can tell her that she needs to back off, and if she doesn't then just ignore her.

    She will be done bothering you in a month at most.

  3. Block her friend from your web address, and turn her in for abuse.

  4. You and your girlfriend broke off. And friends keep on telling you what to do. Now, I see.

    If those boys come to you, well, tell them that they have a chance to ask for her hand. Don`t say I don`t give you one. If girls you may tell them, you don`t love her anymore, does anyone of you love me?

    Here I`ve got a gold ring.

  5. it's got nothing to do with her - but did you give your girlfriend a reason why you don't want to be with her anymore? her friend is just being a friend, i'm sure you understand that  

  6. it is none of her business....threaten her with an injunction if she contacts you again....she is not allowed to harass you!!  don't stand for it!!

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