
Ex has arranged for 12yr old son to go to Corfu,alone to work in his friends hotel for 3wks.?

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Can he do this? He says it will make a man of 12 i think its wrong.




  1. i think it is illegal for a child under 16 to travel alone.

  2. he cannot work

  3. these blady exes cause so much trouble,,,,you are the mother, so you have every right to say no,,,he is much to young to become a man, like your ex says, Find yourself a good lawyer.

  4. Isnt it also illegal?

  5. You need to report him to the police.


  6. Not legal

  7. NO!!!! Are you kidding me ? He is playing with you.  You have to be above 15 to work and thats part time only until you reach 18. He is playing you!! 12 year olds are not allowed to work there, thats ILLEGAL !

    Please protect your son, and believe me you have every reason not wanting him to go there.

  8. If he is also your son take free advice from your CAB.

  9. he can't do it. he sounds like a t osser and a control freak. i don't even think he could get on a plane on his own. he's into child labour? stop him.

  10. Your son is underaged and it is illegal for him to work.  Find a lawyer.

  11. no he cant do this a because its illegal and he is under age to fly alone therefor he has to have a member of family at either end to sign for your child and proof of relation

  12. Couldnt in the UK or if did and reported Social services wouldbe on his case

  13. Greek law prohibits employing individuals under age 15 and there are higher age limits for certain hazardous industries. The employment of children, where informally practiced, is limited to family farms and family enterprises, generally on a part-time basis. This work is not viewed in Greece as exploitation but is accepted as part of the socialization process to enhance family ties.

    Employment of minors 15 to 19-years-old, although allowed by law, is considered unacceptable by societal standards. Juveniles age 15-18 are not allowed to work overtime or at night. Labor unions, citing the fact that 30,000 children a year do not enroll in elementary school and 15,000 children a year drop out of high school, suggest that some enter the labor market before the age of 15.

    Greece has ratified several ILO Conventions on child labor and protection of young persons.

  14. I dont belive this is happening!

    I think he is just trying to scare you, or alarm you or something"!

    He cant even buy a ticked for a 12 years old! let alone send him alone!

    You need to speak to some suport line ro something! IN the UK u' d speak to the council.

    I gues if u go to a library they will tell you who u need to talk to!

    As for working I dont think he will fair well there! there no jobs for 12 years old in grece!

  15. I think you'll find it's illegal...he's too young to be working for a start.

    I don't think that the Greek authorities would be impressed

  16. It is not illegal for a child to fly alone, it depends on the regulations of the airline. I live on Corfu, maybe he doesnt mean exactly working for money, maybe he means like an extended holiday but helping out the hotel owners in return for free accommodation? I dont know for sure the legalities of that situation, I am answering because the question is posted in the 'greece' section, maybe for legal answers it could have been posted elsewhere.

    I know I wouldnt feel comfortable letting my 12yr old travel alone and even stay for 3 weeks away from me or its father.

    One thing I can tell you, the people here on Corfu would take good care of him, as if he were their own child. Does your son know these people well? Does he like them? What is his opinion of being there for 3 weeks without you or his father?

    Good luck in this difficult situation xx

  17. Go  to child welfare, IMMEDIATELY

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