
Ex uses children as weapons?

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My boyfriend's ex uses children as weapons to hurt him. She makes them be and do everything that he hates. He wants well rounded, happy, healthy, educated successful children. He wants his children to do well in school be active, play sports, have manners, nice teeth etc. So what does she do? She hides the homework that has to be passed in on his days so it looks like they didn't do it w/ him. She feeds the kids fattening fast food so they are over weight, she doesn't make them bathe or brush their teeth so they are dirty and get cavities. She surrounds herself with low lifes (ex cons) and people who have no ambition in life. She dresses them in dirty stained rags. She won't take them to their sport activities on her weeks. She makes big scenes in front of everyone if the kids have a squabble with other kids so no one wants to hang around with them You name it and she does it. The court knows she does this and they do nothing. He has them evry 2 wks & pays full child suprt. why???




  1. i know how you feel 100%! my husband has 2 kids(well 2 now) by his ex and she moved them all the way to the Bronx and married an ex con and she refuses to let my husband see his kids! she wont even let him see pictures of them on myspace...its ridiculous! on top of that she has 3 kids and we just found out yesterday the little one isn't his but not because she told us but because she told 1 of our friends. There is nothing you can do can see if he can try and get full custody but thats it.

  2. he needs to seek out another lawyer or a more resourceful lawyer that will nail her for all the dirtiness shes doing to those chidren and prosecute her.

  3. Its none of your business. They are not your children you are not even their step mother.  If you are living with them you and he are teaching them bad moral behavior in the courts eyes.  I dont agree with what the mother is doing but if he does the right thing in his home than the kids will know how to act when they are with him.  He cannot control the mother or the courts, he can control what happens in his home. Clearly she has not gotten over the children's father and is trying to see and speak to him every chance she gets.  Stop taking the bait. Close your mouth and just do the right thing when they are with you.

  4. IF anything he needs to take her to court for FULL CUSTODY. Not just joint.She is neglecting the children and putting their health at risk by not making them shower,etc...

    There is NO WAY the courts know about all this and still do nothing...either something is not being said or very few details have come to light with the courts.

    BUT as for the fast food and homework thing...I hate to say it but fast food is not a crime and the courts are not going to take this as neglect since that is all she feeds them,because at least she does feed them I guess...and the homework thing...there is no proof that she does this and I doubt that it can ever be proven that she is doing this(even though it is probably true) that is here-say and that is how the courts will take it.

    And I understand him wanting the best for his children but he can not expect TOO much out of them...such as the must play sports subject and all that because some kids just don't want to or only want to to please a parent...

    I'm not tryin to defend her because people like her make me SICK and I wish they were not allowed to be around children let alone have them but some of these things are just not relevant to the court especially in a custody battle seeing as emotions run high anyway.

    If I were him,I would try to get proof of the hygiene things first and foremost because that right there is proving she is an unfit mother and he will have no problem with gaining full custody of the kids.

  5. She dosent care about the kids and as long as she knows she can do it she will. Im so sorry for what your husband and the kids are going through

  6. if dad is so concerned, dad can take the children to the dentist for the cavities. if homework is a problem, dad needs to be more involved with school and teachers. dad needs to make arrangements himself. if the children are really truely being neglectful, CPS.  mom can have friends with who she wants. mom doesn't have to take anyone to any sport activities unless she is court ordered to do so.

    mom parents different. she's allowed to do that.

    how old are the kids? why wouldn't they be able to brush their teeth themselves.

  7. Because she is ill.  She needs help just as much as those kids do obviously.

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