My ex and I have been split for about 8 months. We have a 2 year old son together. Before he left he was a very invovled Dad. He obviously saw his son everyday and seemed to be very much the family man for the most part. When he said he wanted to split he said that he would watch our son one day a week and call to get him a couple other times during the week for a couple hours here and there to take him to the park or whatever.
He watches our son either Tuesday or Thursday as those are his days off during the week (which rotate. One week he has Tues off the next Thurs) and he watches him every other Saturday as he has every other weekend off. The rest of the week he works half days. For example one week he goes in at 8 am and works until 2 pm. Then next week he goes in at 1 pm and works until 7 pm.
I have our son the other 6 days of the week and have never kept him from seeing him. I work part-time (about 24-30 hours a week) and go to school full-time.
My ex has gone from being around everyday before the split to once a week and otherwise has never asked to have him otherwise. He says he needs "time to himself" or "R & R" and considers the days he works, although half days primarily not days to himself.
He's in his mid-30's and seems to be back to hanging out with friends every night, constantly on the go with an active social life and smoking pot, etc. etc. I'm frustrated because he often is late when he does have our son and is overall just seeming to do the minimum when it comes to spending time with him.
I'm frustrated and resentful because I don't know how to do the split family thing and feel my son is getting shorted. My parents are still together after 35 years, my ex's parents have both been divorced mutliple times each and my ex says he thinks he's "being a much better Dad than his own" and that "this is how it is when people split". He says maybe it's not fair but it's how it is.
Is it odd for someone to go from being very involved to being fine seeing their child one day a week... and calls it "babysitting".
Need advice on how to deal with him when I'm so frustrated.