
Ex wife gets mad if i don't talk,why?

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first of all we talk via e-mail only.well i have not heard from her in a week,no big deal.well she e-mailed me a list of school supplies 1 of my kids need.and a reason why she has not contacted me lately(which i could care less to know why).i replied thanks for the list and i will get the items this weekend.i thought we were done.but no,she replied back say what was wrong with me,why didn't i ask about the other kid?.so now I'm like wtf,her she goes with an attitude.i said well when i have my kid i will ask her how things went.then she said well where have you been i have not heard from you,its like your extinct.she gets mad allot and i don't get it.we are never ever going to get back together .I'm happy and she has a bf.and I'm working on getting a whats her problem?




  1. Talk to her about it and see what she tell you about it.

  2. Sounds like she may have some unresolved feelings towards you. I know you are never getting back together but just let some things roll off your back for the sake of the children

  3. old habits die hard. she still cares for you and want to know what is going on in your life. she thinks you have someone else now and are happy. talk to her and get an understanding now before you get a new lady in your life. let her know that you deserve a new life to. also, her new guy probably is not as exciting now . also for the kids, get a good understanding. it seems to me that she is the type to be negative and use the kids to hurt  or  keep a hold on you. you  be the positive of the two. until you are sure, do not take a female around your kids. let it be just you all. your wife has already add someone and like i  said it sounds like the grass is not as green  as she thought it would be  on that side.

  4. Its sounds.. like she still has feelings for u, trust me.. I'm going thru the something with my ex husband he gets mad, if i don't give him the attention too. I say be smooth with her, don't be over mean or nothing like that, just take it easy with her, be patience also, just because you guys are divorce, doesn't really mean not with the kids, u have to have strong contact with your kids too, don't wait until she tells u what your kids need, pick up that phone. and say "hi just calling in hows the kids, school is coming what they going to need, or let me talk to the kids on the phone"

    Me and my ex didn't get along during the divorce, but then we talk so much that we should try our best to do the right thing so we go out on Friday nite as a family dinner with the kids and believe it or not. we are now understanding each other and becoming good friends me and him working like a team.

    maybe u guys need that.. think about it..

    good luck.. god bless.  

  5. Maybe, shes overworked or a little frustrated. Maybe things are not going well with her. Her behaviour need not affect you. Just be polite to her & thats it.

  6. Your ex-wife sounds like she still has feelings for you..I predict when you do get a girlfriend she will be very jealous and cause problems..after all why would she care whether she had heard from you or not if she did not still have feelings for you..I am sure she thought that you were with someone and that is why she gave you an attitude.

  7. she wants you to take more of an interest in the kids...

  8. look, i agree with you. your divorsed. u wee right to thik you will wait and ask your kid when you see him or her. u r right. you only need to keep civil with her for things like school supplies. dont reply to her silly emails. sooner or later she will get the hint that you only want to respond to ones that deal with the kids and not her feelings. or better yet... if she sends an email with only silly things like where r u and all? dont respond to this. only respond to things about the kids. for example, if she send syou an email about the school supplies and in that email she also sk where u been and things like this......... reply only to the school supplies. and ignore the other. (im a lady and I would catch the hint trust me!)

    if you care............send her one last email. and kindly explain that you only want emails that deal with the kids and to leave any emotion out.  is one old enough to email you him self? maybe its best to have the kid email you.  you r not her partner and she needs to get used to the different relationship you two have now.

  9. what was the reason for the split? maybe she has alot of trouble with the kids missing you, and feels you don't think about the children enough. i hope you have plenty of contact with them. maybe she misses you!

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