
Ex wife has other options,don't you think,woman please answer?

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ok my ex wife who i left a year ago,is losing her house.we have kids together and i do see them.but me and the ex do not talk .we only communicate via e-mail.she is always nagging me,has even stalked me in the past on here.well she lives in the next town over and there are plenty of houses and apartments around she could easily rent.but no,with my luck,right down the road from where i live there is a house for rent that she is trying to come on.she is doing this on purpose.i live with my brother and he even freaked when he heard it.he even says she is just trying to get if she does get the house I'm moving cause i know she will be nagging what do you think of this?




  1. Don't think too much of it.  Sounds like she's just looking for trouble.  Her excuse may be that the kids will be closer to you and her both... but.... just sounds to me like she wants to cause sh*t in your life.  I'm with you... I'd be moving if she get's that house.

  2. Wow...psycho!  Sounds like my boyfriend's ex!  Soon as we started dating she moved a block up the street from him...she got kicked out and now lives far away.  You guys gotta watch out for those crazy girls, man, they'll trap you with kids and you're connected to them for life!

    Good Luck might take a while!  

  3. Move! she obviously can't let it go , can she?

    I watched my parents go through a similar thing, my mums horrible who nagged and nagged for money constantly. Then spent it on her self. It's all for attention, and she is using the children as a hold over you.

    I would move, unfair I know but it will make for an easier life. Just make sure you see your kids and there the most important thing to you.

  4. At least it would be handy for you to see your kids. You should really try to get on for their sake.

  5. Well, if she does move in ,then you can move to another place. Simple!

  6. Ya, this doesn't sound like she has good intentions. If she gets the place, I'd say you should move. How old are your kids? How long is this going to go on? Will she follow you everywhere? I don't think she's over you.

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