
Ex wife keeps posting my personal info online

by  |  earlier

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What can I do, my ex wife knows all my personal info, like SS#, birth date, mothers maiden name, ect... She has been going to chat rooms and message boards and posting it. I have fraud protection on my credit report, but what else can I do? The police are not interested in doing anything. Please, do I have any recourse against her?




  1. Call the FBI. Your ex is harassing you and placing you at high risk for identity theft, which is a federal crime.

  2. contact your local DA.  Reasonable proof is helpful.  If you are paying alimony this may be a good re-negotiating point.  

  3. I'd call a lawyer.

    Make sure to print copies of the websites, and take a copy of their source encoding.  

    If someone succesffuly steal your identity because of these negligent and maliscious actions, you can sue her.  

    But it's probably just better to get far, far away from her.  Putting the fraud alert and checking your report frequently should alleviate most of the potential damage.

  4. I am not sure but that does suck. She must either be crazy or you really pissed her off or both.

  5. Copy the chat room log and print it and report the information to the police. After you've accumulated enough logs (3 or more ) and are really convinced it's her they can track the user by IP address.

  6. Probably not a lot you can do, since you can't prove it's her.

    Eventually maybe she'll get bored.

  7. Place a freeze (not just a fraud alert) on your record at all three bureaus.  

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