
Exact point of hitting the golf ball !!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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1. on a good lie exactly at what point / time the ball is hit by the club face?

2. how this differs on different lies ?

3. is there anyone who can put some light on it with little explanation / logic.

it will be a great help for me. thank u very much.




  1. The "sweet spot" on most pro clubs is an area about the size of a dime and it is in the center of the club, two to three grooves from the bottom.  A perfect shot then would be one that hits contacts the ball squarely at impact, in a downward direction at that location, AND at the correct speed.

    Any type of side hill, down/uphill lie WILL affect the ability to make that contact.  Game improvement, cavity back, etc., clubs will increase the sweet spot size and/or decrease the affects of missing that spot.

  2. A very important factor in striking the ball solidly and consistently with your irons is getting the "bottom" of your swing in front of the ball (i.e., the lowest spot in the swing's arc on the target side of the ball.

    Imagine yourself in a garbage can... you can't move away from the target on the backswing or towards the target on the downswing with your hips because this would cause the garbage can to tip over. Most golfers over-emphasize the weight shift, and in doing so, they move too far horizontally both away from the target on the backswing and towards the target on the downswing with their hips. If you imagine yourself in a garbage can you will understand that the correct golf swing is AROUND your body. So if you really want to get a hold of the ball next time, TURN your hips, don't SLIDE them. The turning movement you just learned will go a long way to get you making more solid impact with the ball.

  3. Very difficult to understand what you are asking.

  4. I suggest you search on

    There are many useful vedio course to show you how to hit golf ball like a professional (e.g.Tiger Woods)

    Have good luck!

  5. Machenaud (1996) explains that "to get the clubface square at impact, which is the number one aim with a golf swing." An account of the different lies, if you mean the uphill and downhill lies; the uphill lie means your left foot is higher than right foot, so in the set up position your weight should be more on the right as well as the ball should be located near to the left foot and the club should less lofted than normal, besides, the downhill lie means the right foot is higher than the left foot, so in the set up position your weight should be more on the left as well as the ball should be located near to the right foot and the club should more lofted than normal.

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