
Exactly about how much hair do we have?

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& How much hair do we lose a day?




  1. alot

  2. A LOT OF HAiR>>>> LOL

  3. Each person's head has an average of 100,000 hair follicles.

    Each follicle can grow about 20 individual hairs in a person's lifetime.

    So we have 100,000 x 20 = 2,000,000 hair in a lifetime.

    Take a typical lifespan of 70 years.

    We lose on average 2,000,000/70/365 = 78 hairs per day.

    Of course, that's assuming you leave this world bald.

    On the average there are over one hundred thousand strands of hair on a young adult. Blondes average about 140,000 strands, brunettes average 108,000 and redheads average 90,000. Hair grows at a rate of about 150mm a year and each individual hair lasts for two to six years before it falls out, the follicle has a rest for a while, while another takes its place. Hair grows quickest in young adult women aged between sixteen and twenty-four (who are often then at the height of their possible reproductive capacity)

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