
Exactly how can I tell if my eggs have gone bad...?

by Guest65279  |  earlier

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I tried the water trick and they sank to the bottom.. but the thing is, apparently they expired on Aug. 25th? My fridge usually keeps things for a while past their due date because it's so cold (if you put things in the back, they'll freeze). I cracked one and it looked fine.. Should I just eat it?




  1. Egg can be poisonous.

    Like Samollena etcc.\

  2. if your eggs were bad or rotten trust me, youd know. it would smell awful without even breaking open a single egg.

    hope that helps and enjoy your scrambled eggs or whatever it is your gonna make. haha

  3. if it smells alright, i would imagine it's ok.

    but maybe you shouldn't just to be on the safe side.

    aha, i'm sorry. that doesn't really help does it?

  4. A tip I picked up is that you can tell if almost any food is off or not by its smell. take a whiff of one of the eggs. If they do not smell horribly bad, then they should be fine to eat.

    Another thing I have learnt is that the 'Use-by-date' is usually not accurate. I mean that the food companies supplying these eggs will give themselves around 5-10 days more then the 'Use-by-date' says, this makes it more unlikely for the eggs to go off before the date shown. So it is more likely that the eggs you have will 'go-off' on the 4th. Its up to you if you want to risk it for a biscuit.

  5. When in doubt... just throw it out.. is $3 worth of eggs worth a week of being sick? Nah... just chuck it!!!

  6. The nose test... If you break za raw egg and smell something rotten, you'll know it's bad. Otherwise, it's still OK. The expiry date is just a guide, not an absolute truth.

  7. I don't know if any tricks work, maybe the water one does. Remember eggs keep for about three weeks, they don't need to be in a fridge, just a cool place and they are already a week old or more by the time you buy them in the store. Try to find them fresh if you can, I fortunately have and would never want one from the stores fridge again.

  8. go to the store and buy new ones...


  9. if had eggs that were 60 days past the ex date. if they are bad they will either smell or when you crack one open the white to the eggs will not be runny as fresh and or the yoke will be hard and not break as easy.

  10. Yeah sure just eat it. If you crack the egg and there isn't white stuff in the yolk, its fine. And I've never heard of that water trick, so ignore it.

  11. Eat it and if you don't get sick it fine.

  12. If you're saying the date on the carton was 8/25, then your eggs are fine.  It's too bad more people don't understand that that's a sell by date and not an expiration date.  See the attached link.  Your eggs should be fine for 4 to 5 weeks after the carton date if they've been properly handled.

  13. If it start being a little pest breaking all laws.

  14. if it passes the water thing, i don't see why not. i'd still eat 'em.  

  15. If the yolk is falling apart/ not in its held shape,

    it has gone bad.

    if it is still in a perfect round shape, its fine! :)

  16. Well, you can either spend a few dollars on a new container of eggs, or risk getting a bad sickness. Just to be safe, I would go food shopping. Those eggs are more than a week past the expiration date, so I wouldn't eat them even if they were in a good refridgerater.

    Hope this helped :)

  17. if you drop it in water and it floats its gone bad, if it sinks its still good.

    yes its alright

  18. It should be OK, if they don't smell. I get my eggs from a local farm so there is no expiration date, you should try to find local eggs they taste so much better, and I like to support my local farmers. My great grandmother use to keep eggs in a bowl on the counter (they didn't have great refrigeration in those days) and she says she almost never got a bad egg. Good Luck

  19. I think SassySass said it best.

  20. To be on the safe side I would urge you not to.  

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