
Exactly how many planets are there in our solar system ?

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i heard they should be 11.




  1. Some people don't count Pluto, because it's so small, but they have also found a planet that scientists call Planet X. So, including Pluto, there's:

    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Planet X.

    That makes 11, but I may be wrong.

  2. In our solar system 8 planets . I am not sure what other ones you found but you better call NASA. The rest are dwarf Planets.  

  3. The current definition of "Planet" seems to be;

    'Anything larger than Mercury, in a reasonably circular orbit about a star.'

    There are lots of bodies that orbit the sun.

    Some we call Asteroids. - (Too small).

    Some we call Comets. - (Too small, and in elliptical orbits).

    Some we call Kuiper Belt Objects. - (Too small, and too far out.)

    Unless you want to get into arguments over silly details just remember

    the eight larger bodies as planets.

    An astronomer of note once defined the solar system as "The Sun, Jupiter, and assorted trash."

    Go figure.

  4. There are only eight.  Pluto was downgraded from a planet to a planetoid. The other bodies in the solar system are even smaller than Pluto so they don't qualify to be planets either.  Besides the majority of the other bodies in the solar system other than the eight planets, revolve around one of the planets so they are moons.  

  5. There are currently eight planets in the solar system according to the new definition. You got the number 11 from a list that included the dwarf planets with the normal planets. Those dwarf planets are Pluto, Ceres, and Eris. The reason these three aren't planets is because their orbit isn't clear of other objects (asteroids, kuiper belt objects, etc.). So the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.  

  6. "Some people don't count Pluto, because it's so small, but they have also found a planet that scientists call Planet X. So, including Pluto, there's:

    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Planet X.

    That makes 11, but I may be wrong."

    for one, that person just listed 10 learn to count. pluto isnt a planet, it is a dwarf planet. planet x is a fictional planet, it does not exist. no scientist says it does.

    if you count dwarf planets, there are 12. the dwarf planets are pluto, eris, ceres, and makemake. but dwarf planets are not planets, they are dwarf planets.

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