
Exactly how much land do Arabs require?

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Compared to Israel, Arabs already own 98% of the Middle East. When is it enough?




  1. what are you talking about? rephrase your question, you don't make sense. that's like saying how much land do Asians require, they own about 95% of Asia..

  2. Israel ethnically cleansed their lands with massacres, is that how a newborn state should appear into the world? Defying its neighbors by massacring the native population and oppressing their brothers and sisters as they watch idly by?  

  3. They will not be satisfied until they have all of Israel and no Jew is left alive.

  4. Here's the map

    They were offered half of the blue part but that wasn't enough either.

    Shahalil Palestinians are Jews Christians and Muslims, today they have turned it into a Muslim only nation but the fact is that these Palestinian Muslims are nothing but Arabs from surrounding countries.

    They do not have a Palestinian language, culture, look or anything else for that matter that causes them to be a separate nation, they are just Arabs like all the other Arabs and their official country is Jordanstine.

  5. They already have much too much.

    Arabs and Muslims think they deserve odds greater than 640:1.


    "there" it was never theirs, the rightful owners are back.

  6. I know what you mean. The other day I decided to declare statehood and sovereignty over New York, Long Island. I consulted with my legal advisor and apparently I can't do it. I mean c'mon! How much of America do Americans want? Long Island is really tiny compared to the  Great Basin!

  7. 99.99%

  8. The real Que. is, how much land do Zions require?!!

    And, when your Zionist GREED will be fed to completion!?


    Now, go back re-phrase your Que. and

    ask your Zion bodies about this never ending 'greed',

    if you really want to seek the truth!

  9. Arabs live in 98% of the middle east as you stated before, but they do not own that, only shallow people will say that Arabs own their countries!

    Arabs never liberated themselves from British-Zionist occupation and until today have no elections!

    If there was one free Muslim country in the middle east Israel would be a history!

    How much land do Arabs require? As much as they had before Europians came to Palestine!


  10. They have this thing about finding well run productive areas and destroying them.  It isn't the amount of land.  It's the prospects of spoiling the Oasis.

  11. The same amount of land that American Jews require. Why weren't Jews happy with what was given them in 1948, why'd they have to steal more?

  12. Exactly.

  13. ~Sawyer

    My my

    You are really pathetic.

    Using your revolutionary logic, I may say Why Bill Gates have such billions while the guys live next door don't have enough money for their dinner or

    why Americans own such a vast country while Israelis don't

    It is their countries Mr Ash hope. Want to steal it too?

    My my.

  14. Look at what they've already done to England and France! The Dutch are now wise to them, whereas they used to let them in...and once they get in they want own Islamic laws not just for themselves but for everybody else too in what is somebody else's country! The time has come to tell the Arabs that WE ARE NOT PART OF THEIR SOCIETY! I'm not against Arabs as long as they keep their laws within their own society and not mine! Land is important, but whose laws and mores govern that territory is just as important!

  15. Please! the Jews already have the US, the European Nations, and they've Stolen Palestine...I think thats enough!

  16. Look, it's not a matter of what they "require", it's a matter of wanting to get back what was THEIRS previously.  

  17. we have less than europeans includes european jews have

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