
Exactly what are they combining vehicles with to get hybrids?

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What could possibly breed with a car?




  1. humans

  2. Robots... and they're going to take over...

  3. They are using an electric car with an onboard gasoline motor for highway use and recharging the battery. However great this sounds, the #1 hybrid today (the Toyota Prius) is actually 3 times worse for the environment than a full sized SUV. The making of the nickle battery, shipping it completely around the globe, lack of recyclability and short life span (about 100k miles) lead to a high environmental impact and cost of driving ($3.25/mile) compared to the cost of an SUV ($1.95) because the average SUV should last about 300k miles. Try a little gas sipper like a Scion Xb or Chevy Aveo

  4. Ceiling Cat sez they is combining them with ginat ratz!

  5. They are combining HHO. Hydrogen gas can be created on demand and sent directly into the engine where the combustion occurs. This will basically increase horsepower and cause the gasoline to burn more efficiently with less waste going out the exhaust. Using HHO in combination with gas classifies your vehicle as a Hybrid.

    Speaking from my personal experience with an HHO generator I now use and build, I have literally TRIPLED my gas mileage.

    At first, with a cheaply-built generator - I only got a 23% increase on MPG. But now with my new design, I have tripled my gas mileage.

    So yes, it does work if you have the right Generator and if you know a little about the process.

    Heres some media coverage on the process:

    (NBC news story from a few days ago where they test the technology on one of their news trucks and show it works)

  6. They are electric motors combined with standard gasoline engines hence the "hybrid"

  7. Horses

  8. Taking a page from the plant propagators guide to the universe, mechanical engineers have successfully cross bread a regular gasoline car with a rare hard to find endangered electric car.  When they did so, they had to take special care of the electric car so it would not die and become extinct forever.  This is very similar to the process plant breeders took to revive the American Elm by cross breeding it with the Chinese Elm to make it resistant to Dutch Elm Disease.  It is my feeling that this is a viable way for the electric car to come back from near extinction and crush the polluting gasoline automobile.

  9. What they are combining with vehicles (such as cars) is simply a battery. Hybrids are a new car which produce less greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are gases vital to the Greenhouse Effect which is the process when Earth absorbs heat and radiation from the Sun and the Atmosphere reflects the harmful rays. Greenhouse gases are gases which trap heat but, due to pollution problems, excess greenhouse gases are being released causing Global Warming. Hybrids with a battery run half on electricity(with a rechargable battery) and half on the common polluting way. The rechargable batteries used in hybrids allow less greehouse gases to be let in the air making it a much more eco-friendly car. Although eco-friendly, the hybrid car is very expensive in comparison to the normal one. Very few cars are out there that run on complete electricity, but are not open to the public yet (I think). The few cars that run on total electricity do no release any greenhouse gases. These cars run on the very same battery a laptop runs on. Hybrids are in the middle of the normal car and highly eco-friendly electric car.

  10. Those guys in Detroit love to engage in sinful Vehicality....yucks!!

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