Would that be the failed war on poverty or the bankrupt social security promise, or the failed welfare system, or the failed immigration policy or...its actually a really long list and I don't have time to list them all.
And don't you silly libs answer by bringing up the republicans. That's not an answer! That's what 5 year old do. This is a debate/question about so-called democratic programs and principles that are proven failures.
The dream Kennedy is referring to is dead. Its been dead. What hs is referring to is the idea that you should have more government in your life and you should give up more of your liberty to live the kind of life you want. His dream is a socialist state where he tells you how to live, how to spend your money, what kind of light bulbs to use, when to drive, how many hours you can work, what to think, eat, and drink. What medical procedure your allowed to have, etc.
This all of course only applies to you and me, not to elites like kennedy. If you or I had what he has we would be dead. You see kennedy has a very special kind of health insurance one that's not available to us and will not be under ANY national health plan.
p.s. - since the country is broke, how exactly are we going to fund all these new socialist programs?