
Exactly what dream is Kennedy referring to?

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Would that be the failed war on poverty or the bankrupt social security promise, or the failed welfare system, or the failed immigration policy or...its actually a really long list and I don't have time to list them all.

And don't you silly libs answer by bringing up the republicans. That's not an answer! That's what 5 year old do. This is a debate/question about so-called democratic programs and principles that are proven failures.

The dream Kennedy is referring to is dead. Its been dead. What hs is referring to is the idea that you should have more government in your life and you should give up more of your liberty to live the kind of life you want. His dream is a socialist state where he tells you how to live, how to spend your money, what kind of light bulbs to use, when to drive, how many hours you can work, what to think, eat, and drink. What medical procedure your allowed to have, etc.

This all of course only applies to you and me, not to elites like kennedy. If you or I had what he has we would be dead. You see kennedy has a very special kind of health insurance one that's not available to us and will not be under ANY national health plan.

p.s. - since the country is broke, how exactly are we going to fund all these new socialist programs?




  1. He doesn't know he was drunk.

  2. One of my friends asked me this sort of questions before,she found helpful here.

  3. The dream of Marxism in America. With the elites like him and Gore and Kerry and Obmama in charge of the unwashed masses.  

  4. Good point friend....I think he was referring to the dream he had about Chappiquidick....something about a mistress coming back to haunt him.

    II wonder if Ted Kennedy realizes what a fool he has made of himself all these the eyes of the world...and especialy in the eyes of God....h**l awaits to devour fools like him.

  5. The programs are going to be funding by taxes as they always are.

    National health care is something everyone wants but no one wants to pay for..........countries that have it aren't happy with it and their  citizens aren't either.  

    The only dream Ted should be having is the one involving a full confession about what really happen at  Chappaquiddick or the hours he "forgot" to notify police there was a woman in the car he wrecked- that will never happen so  

  6. the one he had when they were operating on his brain.

  7. Kennedy is referring to his particular dream of adequate healthcare for all citizens. Currently the US spends the most on healthcare compared to other countries, yet has a lower life expectancy than most European countries. Yes, the congress and the senate have the best healthcare in this country, and no I don't think it will ever extend to all citizens. Unfortunately.

    There are two types of people in this country. One type believe the strongest, smartest, shrewdest people will rise to the top, on the backs of those who are not; and the other type believe when they do get to the top, it's a morally right to reach down and give someone a hand up.

    That, I think, is the difference between the Republicans and the Democrats.

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