
Exactly what experience does Mccain have that qualifies him to be president?

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He was shot down in Vietnam, surrendered to the Via-cong and was forced to make damming statements about the USA. He has been a Senator longer than Obama but that's not experience neither has been the president before. So what qualifies him. Oh and I have served my country USMC disabled.




  1. We don't have a fully qualified candidate in the race. They're both (all if Hillary still secretly hopes) owned by other than the people they want to vote for them.

  2. Lets start with the military experience you admit he has.

    This taught him to make tough military decisions.

    Presidents face tough military decisions like do I sign this bill cutting military spending, should we go to war or work out a diplomatic solution.

    Next up. His Senatorial experience comprises 21 years compared to Obama's 4 years in the U.S. Senate & 8 years in the Illinois Senate. This means that McCain has taken part in shaping our nation's laws,rules & regulations to a greater extent than Obama. Further, McCain has tried for the presidency in the year  2000. He lost that year in the primaries to George Bush. McCain then consolodated and gained more experience in government before trying again this year.

    Compare the info provided below in the source list and make your  free choice. And thanks for serving this country in the armed forces.

  3. Are you from America?? Seriously??


  4. His experience at the Naval Academy,  in the service, in combat, in prison camp. That Is experience Obama can't even imagine.

    Having two sons in the military. One just back from Iraq and the other possibly on his way. That Is experience that Obama can't even imagine.

    Serving over 25 years in the house and Senate and debating, legislating, voting on the most important issues of our time is experience that Obama can't even imagine.

    Taking on your own party and working with the opposition on important measure like torture, immigration, campaign reform is experience that Obama can't even imagine.

    Leadership, diplomacy, bravery, experience.

  5. He is an American citizen by birth and over the age 35, those are the only requirements.  Asides from that who really is qualified.  It seems if you got the money and tell people what they want to hear they will give you a shot at it.  And that is why the Electoral College will never disappear.

  6. He absolutely DOES have enough experience to be president. He has 8 years of experience walking in the shadow of George W. He agreed with Bush 95% of the time during his (Bush) 2 terms.  So that statistic means you know exactly what to expect IF McCain wins in November: Bush part 3. Obama does NOT have experience being Pres, but, that's the whole point! If experience means that my son could be drafted to fight in WW3 then i will vote for the novice, not the expert.

  7. Great question.  Let's see some substance, people.

  8. Well......, I am not a communist.

  9. Being in the military doesn't give you experience on miliary decisions.  Ask the guys who have served.  They don't ask if you want to take the hill, they just say take it.

    And it doesn't matter anyway.  There hasn't been a president with solid foreign policy experience since Nixon.  

    Years in the Senate mean you won't change anything, something that would really suck after all this.  And all McCain has done since 2000 is suck up to the right wing of the Republican party, the exact wing that started this whole mess in the first place.

  10. You are correct. The only way to become qualified to be president is be the president. Once one becomes qualified, they are not allowed to become president again.

    (I know the president is allowed two terms, just think about it a few min.). Go figure. Since we are comparing creds., my dad was a combat eng. in WW2, I wear a CMB from VN and my daughter served in Bush 2 in Iraq. We are SOLID behind OBAMA. Change is what the country needs.

  11. When people say experience, they mean political experience.  So what experience are you referring to?  Everyone else running for president is based on experience in the senate.

  12. First of all, McCain did not surrender, he was captured, which is a different thing.

    Comparing the two candidates, listen carefully to what they say.

    Obama gives good speeches, but listen carefully to what he says when speaking without notes. He wants to change things, and most of what he wants to change is the amount of taxes we all pay. I, for one, cannot and do not, trust him.

    I have served my country, too, USAF.



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