
Exactly what kinds of guns are you aloud to have in the UK?

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and is anybody worried?




  1. none. cause u cant handle the big guns we have in america.

  2. Almost any caliber is allowed as long as you have a valid need for it.  If you enjoy fox hunting on the weekends, then you will be able to get a permit for a .222 but not a .416.

    It cannot hold more than two rounds for rifles and shotguns.  The action does not make a difference - as long as it cannot hold more than two rounds.

    Hollow points require a special endorsment to own and there is a limit on the number of assembled ammunition that you can own.

    There are also bans on folding stocks, second hand grips, ect.

    Don't worry too much about it.  You will be able to get your favorite hunting rifle over there.

  3. Mostly bolt actions and some shotguns, I think.

  4. shotguns, with a lot of red tape, you know, to keep the poor folk from getting them, because poor people are bad and don't deserve to be able to protect themselves.

    britan's trying to restrict knives to cooks and surgeons, because nobody else ever has a use for a knife, other than to kill somebody.

    gabe: hunting's a bonus. the primary use of a rifle is to keep tyranny at bay.  that is very difficult with limited assembled ammunition, special permits, and two-round limits on bolt actions. that's plenty to worry about. glad i'm  in oklahoma, withknives in my pockets, guns in my house, and a nice quantity of "assembled" ammunition to feed 'em.

  5. None. The country is much better off for it too.

  6. Probably none with most European nations' insanely liberal gov'ts.

    Switzerland, however has very few restrictions on firearms. And guess which European country has the lowest rate of violent crime...that's right, Switzerland. Once again proving that restricting guns does not stop crime involving guns.

    Another example: Detroit and Chicago. These cities have some of the most strict gun laws and they are nos. 1 and 2 in violent crime in the US, respectively.

    On the other hand, in some southwest US states such as Arizona and New Mexico,  there are also hardly any firearm restrictions and you can legally carry a pistol on your hip and there is virtually no violent crime in this region.

    I want to see some proof from this guy, Jesus, below me.

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