
Exam on Monday but I am bored of studying!!?

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I have an exam on Monday that is for two hours - I have gone over all the inormation I need & am pretty sure I can answer all the essay questions pretty well. However, I am bored of looking over the same information & answering example essay questions. Any ideas on how I can make it a bit more interesting?




  1. I am totally bored of them too!!!

    My last one is on Monday!

    Remember wen u've finished u can parrrtayy! lol :D

    Good Luck!


  2. Try studying with some friends after you take a much needed break, then you can help each other and it will be nice to hear different ideas! Have fun and be success!

  3. If you're sure you know everything that you have learnt, then take an early night and in the morning just quickly go through thinks again so your brain has taken it all in.

    Revising can be pretty boring, but it has to be done.

  4. you could always draw pictures of what your revising or even just relax for a bit, and if you already know it you will probably be fine.

  5. Just relax and get enough sleep tomorrow night. You'll do well on your exam.

  6. go out and do something which you should not be doing two days before exam. if you have your chick, take her on a drive and if not make few blank calls

  7. Review your text book. Pick out the main object or goal of each chapter. Make a list of them. Did you have a reading list? Review it...Did you keep class notes?  Review them and make additions or corrections. Do all of this in a quiet room. No Radio, TV, Telephone or other distraction.

  8. Dont worry,

    if you feel you cant go on, like what happens to me, it means that subconsciously, you know you've done enough, and your mind doesn't feel it needs to do more, so you are telling yourself to rest so you are exhausted on monday

  9. 1) Draw some pictures that you may be able to associate with a certain fact. This can be a doodle as long as you know what it is.

    2) Spider diagrams are helpful as you can put different points in different colors and it lays it out for you. (You can use them for before the exam to quickly look over the most important points.)

    3) Personally I like to write things down over and over until I remember them. This can be tedious but you can be sure that it will be fixed into your brain.

    4) As you didn't say what type of exam it is....

    If it is an opinion type exam-like English- go over all your own points. If you got some opinions from the teacher then go over these. Check whether you agreed with these points. If you did Why? If you don't why?

    Purely fact based- You'll need to know these so keep going over them. It's helpful at night to recite the information out loud. See whether you actually remember something.

    5) At this point you'll know your strengths and weaknesses. Concentrate on some of your weaknesses at the moment. You want to make sure you have an equal chance of answering any question.

    6) Do you have any revision guides?

    These are helpful in breaking down the information and some have notes at the back. With these you can build up your own list of things you need to know.

    7) Some subjects can be found on the web. BBC Learning and a site called scool can be used. With quiz's and other helpful media you can get revise and have a bit more fun.

    8) Example questions are good. As you have already done these. Plan how you can answer the question in the exam. write a list for each question and see if you were able to incorporate each point into the answer.

    9) Make sure you do take a rest every so often. The last thing you need is to become so bored you put the material down.

    10) The most important things is to keep in mind why you are doing this exam and to always be around the material.

  10. Think about what would happen if you fail. That might help things out

  11. Firstly, like everyone else has said, have a break, relax etc.

      And when you're ready, ask a friend or family member to ask you random questions about the topic.

      Me and my friend often go on skype; we read through things together as well as asking each other questions about the topic, it really helps to build your confidence.  It also helps if you do it with someone who is doing the same exam as you because you are both in it together, therefore both intend to do as well as possible and it just helps to spur you on.

      Hope that's suitable for you


  12. Give yourself a break from revising. You probably can't take any more in. Then have a quick refresher tomorrow.

  13. yeh. go out to play. it may well be ur saturated and if so then you deserve the break. good luk 4 monday x

  14. yeah give yourself a break go out and enjoy the sunshine then read through it again tommorow night!!!

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