
Exam results question...?

by  |  earlier

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Firstly, when I did my GCSE's first time round I got my results on some paper which said at the bottom something like not proof of certificate. I never got the actual results (i am under the impression that they come in a book type thing)... i left it late to sort it out but want to know...

I have completed my AS levels, and them results are due on 14th aug, I also resat 1 gcse (i dont know when i get that...) Now will I get re-issued my whole gcse results again as if i had of got them they would be not upto date with my new grade...

What should I do, and if all fails can I request all of my grade certificates from the eduction authority myself?






  1. I am not sure about the certificates as I did some GCSEs early and was given them at school instead and I haven't got my GCSE results yet

    But I was told you can get the certificates again if you have lost them etc, but you have to pay - I am sorry I don't know how much.

    Why don't you go to your old school and ask them?

    Good luck with your AS results!


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