
Exam stress! Opinions?

by Guest55836  |  earlier

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Today, I completed the last of my exams. I'm Year 10 and these were the first exams I had ever completed. I was nervous and stressed. I had no idea what to expect. I am an A/B-Grade student. I studied for hours on end for these exams, I dedicated 3 weekends and atleast 3 hours studying after school each day from 3 weeks prior to exams. I got in there, and panicked. I was silly and had crammed to much information into my head, that while in the math exam, Geography was still floating around my head. I completed just over half of the exam, but who knows if the answers were even correct. This whole exam process has completely changed my motivation for school and now because of this stress I feel worthless and a failure. It's just that i realise the exams are only going to get harder up until year 12, and I can't deal with this stress provoked by exams that changes my whole desire to finish school. It seems that exams are not an acurate way of measuring knowlege. Opinions? Thanks, night=)




  1. I find exams to be somewhat useful, and partly stupid. It's good to guage how much you can remember, ensuring your knowledge of the subject. On the other hand, it's stupid to have them all at the same time; it's too hard on the students, especially in year 12.

  2. Oh my gosh I do the same thing!

    I spend all my time and effort studying, and I know it well. Then once I get in there and sit down with my #2 pencil I go brain dead and blank and I don't know even what the simplest question is trying to ask me!

    If I were you I'd just try to stress less. Just take a deep breath and trick yourself into thinking that it's only worth a few points, or a fraction of a percent.

    The truth is, that finals don't make or break your grade. For some reason we always act like they do.

  3. you have to focus your mind of the subject when you take an examination. dont mixed up all the topics. do one subject at a time when you review and after that, you have to relax so your brain can rest as well. you have to talk to yourself and encourage that you can do it because you have done your best. goodluck!

  4. I am going into my fourth year of college this September so I know what you are going through. All the pressure you are feeling is coming from yourself, so you have to be the one to stop it. One thing I find helpful is taking practice tests if you can find some, taking these will help you feel calm because you know the test doesn't matter and you are going to see the results. The other thing I have been doing recently that has been a huge help is taking relaxation pills. Many people are unsure about taking pills because they think of things like Adoral. I have been taking something called Absolute Calm that is not as extreme and very helpful, here's a link: Commenting
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