
Exam tips..?

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I have two more days of three more exams... i think i am ready revision-wise but can anyone offer any tips that might make me perform better?




  1. keep your head whilst others around you lose theirs

  2. relax, and just read over your notes dont worry

  3. have a green banana before going into the exam room

    (that releases glucose over a long period of time and helps your brain stay awake = function better)

    good luck :))

  4. just chill

    when you get the paper just quickly flick through the pages so you know what kind of questions are in the paper.

    don't hold your pen too hard, your hand will start to hurt.

    have water

    do look at the time.

  5. Read the question carefully.  If it's an essay question maybe highlight the key words and PLAN!!  I hate planning but even jotting down a few words can help.

    Sort out your timing and try and leave a bit of time at the end to check for silly mistakes.

    Try to write neatly.

    Don't panic as it just gets you more flustered.

    Make sure you've eaten well and drunk water before hand so your brain can work.

    Good luck!

  6. just relax and have a good breakfast in the morning. the key thing is to not stress or freak out. and take your time !!! and you should do just fine

  7. study at home and then come together with your classmates and make a study group somewhere in the school or anywhere else and study all together ask each other quesions about what you have studied and what you think will come on your exam paper ,and start the group study 2 to 3 hours before the exam starts on the exam day

    (and your group study can range from 2 to five people)And believe it or not  it works indeed very well.

    and on an optimistic note i wish you the best of luck on your test and godbless

    take care !!!

  8. i have found that red bull seems to make me concentrate better and it is great when you have early morning exams!!!

  9. A great night Sleep before the day of the exam is the only way to to perform better......... and never revise on the day of the exam usually people who are really nervous tend to forget things and so revise... but doesn't perform...

    and remember.. "You may feel like you know only a little... but actually know more then you think"

    this advice from my university professor helped me score a 1st in my 2nd year this year.... =D

  10. Keep your head!!! Do not over think... the test is not the end of the world!

  11. Relax... if you don't know it by now, you won't know it, and there's no point in panicking, so do something else and stop worrying about it - I'm sure you'll do fine :D

    And good luck - I have my last A Level tomorrow, I know what you're going through...
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