
Examples of Abosolutism of Elizabeth I............?

by Guest44995  |  earlier

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Examples of Abosolutism of Elizabeth I............?




  1. Hello Sarah.

    Examples of Elizabeth's absolutism.  Good question.  A loaded question too.

    Englands monarchs believed in the old doctrine of the "Divine Right of Kings" which says that a monarch is God's direct authority on Earth.  The mean't that the king was was the highest power on Earth and was only answerable to God.  Elizabeth, however would tend to seek the councel of her advisors before making any decisions so she never really used her absolute power.  She encouraged Parliament to become vocal (some say this was the precursor to the Civil War) and she also abolished royal monopolies after they started being abused.

    She also was able to aid the Huguenots (French Protestants) in France.  She secretly aided the Dutch in their war with Spain.

    Contrary to what the previous poster said, Elizabeth was religiously tolerant.  She allowed them to be Catholic but only in the privacy of their own home.  Elizabeth became less tolerant when Catholics began plotting her downfall and using Marie Stuart as the central figure to the plots (Marie even became embroiled in at least three plots herself).

    Although she never fully banned Catholicism, however, she did impose limitations.

  2. Catholicism was banned.

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