
Examples of Revenge in the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

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Well I've put off this essay until the very last day possible. This is the prompt:

A popular yet cynical and confrontational slogan advieses, "Don't get mad; get even." As you read both novels, the motivation, the desire and the actual quest for vengeance will be encountered, even if not directly related to the protagonist in each case.

How does each author seem to feel about the issue of revenge, and how does each deal with the appropriateness, the effectiveness, and the consequences of seeking vengeance on those whom characters perceive to have wronged them? Target the specific elements involving revenge in each novel, and focus on responding to the questions which begin this paragraph!

The other novel I read is The Scarlet Letter, and it is easy to find revenge in that novel. But it is harder for Huckleberry Finn. Help please?




  1. Geez, did you miss the tar-and-feather episode?

  2. It is many years since I read Huckleberry Finn, and I really cannot remember details of the novel other than very generally.  However, these sites should help you with your work with it.

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