
Examples of animals dieing from Global Warming?

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Don't say polar bears! lol




  1. Why any given species goes extinct is usually a combination of factors.  But the best case for global warming being the main cause is certain species of frogs.  Details in these articles:

    Coral reef ecosystems, which contain many species, have been damaged.  While they're not extinct, many individual fish and other species have died.

  2. Hadn't seen the Easter Bunny in a while.

  3. Sorry, but there are none.

  4. No animals are doing well due to global warming that I know of.  There is a fungus that is thriving in Glacier National Park.  The forest trees there have no defense  and the fungus can live oon them now because of warmer temperatures--and is killing  the trees.

    I do know of one plant that thrives in warmer, CO2 rich environments: poison ivy.  Some how, I don't think that's much of a plus!

  5. woolly mammoth

    saber-toothed cat

  6. Nice try, Bob.  Where is the cause and effect?  All of it is mere speculation at best.

  7. bob is talking about pollution, not about GW.  frogs breathe through their skin, so they get toxified and die.  the coral reefs are in fact dying.  but that is the result of run off from irrigation canals into the rivers, which of course dump into the ocean.  the proliferation of the start of thorns is another anomaly, but it is not due to GW or to that new journalist trick of calling it "climate change," which does not really exist anyways.  

    what i would say COULD die as a result of pollution, but not because of GW, would be animals and people getting cancer because too many ultra violet rays get through the 2 ozone holes near australia.  

    if you believe the scare tactics that blame us for changing the weather to create catastrophies, such as nyc being flooded, then i suppose certain animals would be killed off in such catastrophes to the point of extinction, but don't ask me to name them.

    as a matter of course, at least 7 species go extinct every day.  that is because it is natural.  this has been happening for ages and ages.  since way before people even walked and made tools.  it's because they are not fit enough to have their population survive.  their populations dwindle down so that they cannot reproduce.  but a WHOLE SLEW of living creatures, microbes, are made extinct each and every day too.  and none of it is at all related to GW.  

    about all that can be said about this is that changing natural habitats might kill off animals, for example, that live in the rain forests of the amazon.  but cutting down forests is not the same thing as GW.

  8. See

  9. Penguins



    i only can think of these

  10. Come on, you know they are gonna say polar bear. I can't think of any off hand. We're polluting them and fishing them and hunting them and destroying their habitats, that's for sure. Local weather irregularities may even kill some. But I don't believe for a second the 1 degree average change in world climate over the last hundred years is killing any of them.

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