
Exams... d**n!?

by  |  earlier

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How the heck do you get off the computer or phone or whatever and actually pick up your textbook and start studying? Right now I have the IGCSE examinations, and it really is a big deal, but I can't seem to get serious and actually study. My time management is the worst possible, and I get hooked on the computer way too easily. Does SOMEBODY have a secret technique they can teach me? Please, I really need some help here....




  1. you have to think of the advantages in studying & think of the disadvantages when using computer....

    _try to control yourself.....

    _i wish this will work...

    _good luck!!!

  2. I have this problem and I only worry a few hours before the exam.  Last night I did some revision *yay*.

    1. Think about what you are going to do on the computer ie. go on 2 more websites and then revise.

    2. Turn the computer off, if it is a laptop close the screen

    3. go to somewhere that is quite and not near anything distracting, like your computer lol

    4. Make yourself comfortable where you are, food, drink

    5. Make a list of what you will revise.  I read revision guides/ textbooks, do a paper, read my notes and another paper.

    6. Revise

    7. If you are like me which you seem to be you will get bored quickly.  I bring 2 books with me.  When you get bored read one.  Then remember how embarassed you will be when you get a u or f because you didn't revise. Throw the book across the room and do more revision.  I'm too lazy to get the book so I revise instead.

    8.  Remember what ever revision you do, one page could make the difference between a c and a d or an a and an a*.

    9.Think how your teachers will feel if you fail ( this is good incentive)

    10.  Do not anwser any questions on yahoo anwsers like me.

    Good luck with your revision.  Act as if you are interested in the textbook and you might become interested.  Playing a tape all night and hoping it will go into you brain by osmosis doesn't work either (I tried it for german lol).

  3. I have the same problem as you, i find that if I'm around things i like to do e.g. going on the Internet or playing games i will never get anything done no matter how long i have to do it. what helps me is to get away from those sorts of things such as simply going into a different room or even going out to a library. hope this helps.

  4. Hey, I'm doing my A-Levels atm and i find it pretty hard to get to work, but I find doing past papers keeps me busy and I get alot done that way!  I also have revision booklets I've been writing throughout the year, you could just read a few of your notes and then summarise it! I guess there's no-one to tell you how to revise, you have to figure out your own method, but I hope you get something done lol, exams are important!

  5. use  bbc bitesize it what i do then you get the best of both worlds just make sure you know what you need to study xx

  6. if u cant do it, go out with what u need and go down to a park or feild, easy studdying down there and nothing to distract you, also dont take any1 wih u or ur just destracted more than tv.

  7. School work is always difficult for people who have issues with poor study habits.  It can be turned around - as I did it myself . . .but . . . and that's a BIG BUT!  You need to be determined to be disciplined!  You need to create a study plan and stick to it.  If you know of anyone else who is taking the same exams - form a study group - At first I thought this would be very bogus - but turned out to be very helpful.  Reviewing in a group helped me tremendously.  Make sure to also not study for more than one hour straight at one time - our brain needs a rest to be able to function to its optimum and retain information.  So every hour take a 15 minute break.  Try not to overload yourself.  Repetition if good over a consecutive period of time - like daily.  So make a schedule and stick to it.  Create time-slots just for studying and nothing short of hospitalization or dead should interrupt that time.  After a while you'll get use to the pattern and you'll find you will get great exam results.  Just remember  . .. "It's all in your head!" LOL! (the discipline and studying !)
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